Digital Logos Edition
A School of Prayer’From the Foreword by Wilfred J. Harrington, OP
For people who treasure the psalms and yet are often quite mystified by them, help is at hand. Weaving together her expertise in Scripture and liturgy, Margaret Daly-Denton accompanies the reader through a profitable and enjoyable learning experience. From the Psalter as a collection of ancient Israelite religious poetry to the New Testament portrayal of Jesus as pray-er of the psalms, Daly-Denton guides readers through the centuries-long process of reinterpretation that is ongoing as psalms sung in worship shape the everyday prayerfulness of Christians. Throughout this book, suggestions for further reading and contemplation point the reader toward self-directed learning.
Written in an accessible and friendly style, Psalm-Shaped Prayerfulness is intended for newcomers to biblical studies, people training for ministry, church musicians, members of parish liturgy teams, and anyone with an interest in the scriptural roots of Christian spirituality.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
An excellent guide and textbook for those embarking on their first expedition into the Psalter. For those Christian worshippers who are seeking a greater appreciation of the psalms, definitely buy this book!
--Diane Cockery, The Furrow
This book is not only an excellent and readable scholarly resource; it’s also an extremely sensitive exploration of the psalter’s significance for both church and synagogue. Daly-Denton describes how the psalter first took shape, what its setting was in the life of Israel, how it was adopted and adapted by early Christians, and, finally, how it fits into Christian worship today. In the book’s final section, there is a fine examination of the violence expressed in some of the psalms.
--Lawrence Cunningham, Commonweal
Margaret Daly-Denton has given us an excellent introduction to the Psalter. This book will be useful for teachers as a textbook. Formation directors may use it to introduce their new members to the Psalms. Individuals will find that it puts new energy into their prayer. I am grateful to Daly-Denton for sharing her wisdom with us.
--Irene Nowell, OSB, Worship