Digital Logos Edition
When Jesus was born to Mary, God “translated” himself into our human world. This act of God’s translation continues today wherever the gospel is expressed, in each language and lived out in each culture that makes up our diverse world. Unfortunately, the church often ignores its cultural and linguistic diversity and, instead, imposes a dominant “language” and “culture” for expressing faith. This textbook seeks to challenge that situation.
By identifying common barriers that prevent people from engaging with Scripture, the authors explore the ways churches can maintain unity in Christ and celebrate the diversity of their membership. Addressing a wide-range of relevant issues and using practical applications, this revised and updated edition re-establishes the importance of good, contextual Scripture engagement. A key resource in helping church leaders encourage people to communicate with God in their own language and to discover that Christ wants to make himself at home in their world.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
I recommend this book to anyone who desires to see translated Scripture change lives! Translating the Bible into Action weaves together a wealth of experience from translation practitioners who desire to see effective Scripture engagement in language communities around the world by overcoming barriers inherent in worldview, language, culture, theology, and the medium of the message. Through stories, discussion questions, exercises, and resources the reader is respectfully drawn into the learning process, helped to discover how Scripture is relevant for their world, and empowered to go and put this into action through Bible storying, Bible studies, sermons, prayers, “good news encounters,” evangelism, visual arts, digital media, drama, music, and dance! Translating the Bible into Action will remain an important and influential resource to facilitate engagement with God’s word in life-changing ways.
--HANS COMBRINK. Vice President, Training & Quality Assurance, Biblica. Chair, SIL International Board of Directors