Digital Logos Edition
The first Christians turned the world upside down in the space of a generation. How can we learn from them today?
In this book Michael Green opens up the gripping story of Acts, highlighting the volcanic eruption of faith described there and contrasting it with the often halfhearted Christianity of the modern Western world. Green explores the life and faith of the Christians of Acts, answering such questions as, What kind of people were they? How did they live? And how did they organize and practice as members of the new church? Besides describing life in the early church, Green discusses how we today can apply the first Christians’ dynamic efforts at church planting, pastoral care, social concern, gospel proclamation, and prayer. Combining trusted scholarship with a popular, enjoyable writing style, Thirty Years That Changed the World is an ideal book for church, group, or personal study.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
Easily understandable, well-illustrated, and highly practical, this book helps get Acts off the bookshelf and into the lives of modern disciples of Christ.
—James R. Wicker for Southwestern Journal of Theology
This lively and relevant book will help Christians keep pace with our fast-changing modern culture while holding to the principles of the early church.
—Nick Pollard
Green’s unique mix of sharp scholarship and bang-up-to-date relevance results in one of the best guides to Acts around. I have enjoyed the book myself, and I know many others will too!
—Dave Burke