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Products>Master Plan for the Redemption of Israel: A Reformation of Messianic Judaism

Master Plan for the Redemption of Israel: A Reformation of Messianic Judaism

ISBN: 9781725278059

Digital Logos Edition

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This book introduces a new approach that radically redefines Messianic Judaism. It takes the reader beyond the superficial practices of Shabbat candles, tallit, and wearing Stars of David to comprehend the true purpose of a Jewish way of life that embraces Yeshua the Messiah. It investigates the meaning of Israel as a nation from its inception in ancient times and how its national turning to its Messiah will dramatically transform not only Israel itself but our entire world. It delves into the history of Messianic Judaism, ancient and modern, and examines the current streams of Messianic Jewish thought. This book proposes a new paradigm that holds the key to reaching the entire Jewish people with the message of Yeshua. Unlocking scriptural passages that have been lost and misunderstood for nearly two thousand years, it reveals the exciting role that non-Jewish believers in Jesus will play in Israel’s redemption. Here is an invitation to come along on an incredible journey of discovery. Readers will gain a new perspective of God’s end-time plan for Israel and the Jewish people. Some will awaken to an inner call to join the quest, a challenge that, if answered, will certainly change the direction of their lives.

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  • Introduces a new approach that radically redefines Messianic Judaism.
  • Investigates the meaning of Israel as a nation from its inception in ancient times.
  • Proposes a new paradigm that holds the key to reaching the entire Jewish people.
Wow: profound, provocative, dramatic, thrilling, authoritative—and more. This book is better than good; it is a necessary message to every disciple today who has sold his soul to Jesus.

—Brian Schrauger, Editor in Chief, The Jerusalem Journal

I trembled as I read it.

—Cheryl Zehr, Director, Olive Press Publisher

  • Title: Master Plan for the Redemption of Israel: A Reformation of Messianic Judaism
  • Author: Yehudah Rapuano
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock
  • Print Publication Date: 2021
  • Pages: 298
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Reader Edition
  • ISBNs: 9781725278059, 1725278057
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-01-03T22:12:50Z

Yehudah Rapuano is a professional Israeli archaeologist digging and exploring the Holy Land with the Israel Antiquities Authority for more than three decades. He holds degrees in archaeology, history of the Jewish people and early Christianity from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of the Holy Land / Center for Study of Early Christianity. He has written more than sixty articles and book chapters dealing with the history and archaeology of the land of Israel published in five different countries. Master Plan is his first work with a theological focus.


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  1. Irving Salzman
    One of the reviews above says this: "Wow: profound, provocative, dramatic, thrilling, authoritative—and more. This book is better than good; it is a necessary message to every disciple today who has sold his soul to Jesus. —Brian Schrauger, Editor in Chief, The Jerusalem Journal" "Every disciple today who has sold his soul to Jesus"? I think that demands some clarification.


Digital list price: $34.00
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