Digital Logos Edition
Written by an international team of leading scholars, Early Christian Thinkers introduces the lives and works of twelve key Christians from the second and third centuries--a pivotal early moment in the history of orthodox doctrine. Each chapter includes a biographical and historical overview of the thinker, a detailed survey of his or her major writings and ideas, an in-depth discussion of each thinker’s influence on the formation of the tradition, and a consideration of lasting significance in today’s context. The text requires no prior knowledge of the thinker under discussion, making the book especially useful for students and for all with an interest in Christian origins or patristics.
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This fine series of essays provides an accessible and up-to-date introduction to twelve key figures who helped to shape the development of mainstream Christianity before the age of Constantine. Early Christian Thinkers will be a valuable aid in the study of this formative period of church history.
--Christopher A. Beeley, associate professor of Anglican studies and patristics, Yale Divinity School
This splendid volume has encouraged its authors to construct twelve fine chapters about early Christian theologians. The project’s genius emerges both from the high-level manuscript studies in the introductions and the well-written summaries concerning what is known of the theologians’ lives and thoughts. The pithy comments will stay with us all. Fellow specialists will turn to this book for the state of many questions; undergraduates can see what patristics has been and is now becoming. A rare combination of features which we should find together more often.
--Frederick Norris, Professor Emeritus of World Christianity, Emmanuel School of Religion
Paul Foster has edited an excellent collection of essays on some key figures of the pre-Nicene Church. Teachers of the period will find this an invaluable volume, both for the quality of the essays and for the particular selection of figures included. In English this collection has no equal.
--Lewis Ayres, Bede Chair of Catholic Theology, Durham University, UK