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CSB Spurgeon Study Bible Notes

, 2017
ISBN: 9781430073406

Digital Logos Edition

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Charles Spurgeon has been called the “Prince of Preachers.”

He preached to over 10 million people in his lifetime, and his written sermons have impacted millions more since 1866. The CSB Spurgeon Study Bible features thousands of excerpts from Spurgeon’s sermons, chosen and edited by Alistair Begg in order to bring the richness of the Prince of Preachers’ insights into your daily study of God’s Word.

Features include an introductory biography of Charles Spurgeon, study notes crafted from Spurgeon’s sermons, extracted sermon illustrations, sermon notes and outlines in Spurgeon’s own handwriting, “Spurgeon Quotables,” book introductions with book overviews in Spurgeon’s own words, maps, and more.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

This resource does not include the Bible text. The CSB is available separately and can be purchased here.

Resource Experts

Key Features

  • Includes a short biography of Charles Spurgeon
  • Features notes, quotes, and illustrations by Spurgeon
  • Provides the reader with 20 of Spurgeon’s “lost sermons”

Top Highlights

“‘For he is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility.’ The Lord Jesus is the great cause of peace between people. As soon as we become Christians, we cannot hate anybody. It is utterly inconsistent with grace in the heart to harbor malice against others. Through our weakness we may be, and sometimes are, quick of temper and sharp—and this we ought to regret and mourn over—but to carry in our soul any enmity against others is contrary to the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Pages 1587–1588)

“The way to do a great deal is to keep on doing a little. The way to do nothing at all is to be continually resolving that we will do everything.” (Page 1671)

“When the heart is washed, the dirt is taken from the mental eyes. The heart that loves God is connected with an understanding that perceives God. There is no way of seeing God until the heart is renewed by sovereign grace. It is not greatness of intellect but purity of affection that enables us to see God.” (Page 1287)

“‘The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need.’ No one can trust providence till he distrusts himself; and no one can say, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd,’ until he has given up every idle notion that he can control himself or manage his own interests.” (Page 710)

“‘He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.’ People seem to think that only workers can give glory to God, but more glory is given to God by one drachma of faith than by a ton of works. After all, works usually generate conceit and pride in us. But faith lays itself low before its God and gives to him all the glory. God is never more glorified than he is by the believing confidence of his people when difficulties seem to come in the way.” (Page 1517)

Charles Spurgeon

C. H. Spurgeon (1834–1892) is one of the church’s most famous preachers and Christianity’s most prolific writers. He converted to Christianity in 1850 at a small Methodist chapel and began his own ministry immediately, preaching more than 500 sermons by the age of 20. Logos has collected his sermons in The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection (63 vols.).

Spurgeon was the pastor of New Park Street Chapel (later the Metropolitan Tabernacle). Many of his sermons were published each week and regularly sold more than 25,000 copies in 20 languages. Spurgeon is still known as the “Prince of Preachers” by Reformed Christians and Baptists.

Spurgeon founded the Pastor’s College (now Spurgeon’s College) in London. Dwight L. Moody was deeply influenced by Spurgeon’s preaching, and founded the Moody Bible Institute after seeing Spurgeon’s work at the Pastor’s College in London.

By the time of Spurgeon’s death in 1892, he had preached almost 3,600 sermons and published, also under the name Charles H. Spurgeon, 49 volumes of commentaries, along with numerous books of sayings, devotions, and more. The Charles Spurgeon Collection (149 vols.) contains over 3,550 sermons from this gifted speaker and leader and his most-loved works like The Treasury of David, Lectures to My Students, The Sword and Trowel, and dozens of other volumes. Also available from Logos is Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians, and the Spurgeon Sermon Upgrade Collection (2 vols.).

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


9 ratings

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  1. Steve Roberts

    Steve Roberts


  2. Andrea



  3. Fuzzy Turtle

    Fuzzy Turtle


    I'm a massive Spurgeon fan and I'm greatly appreciative of this resource. My one negative to this is that it doesn't have notes verse by verse. For example, I'm going through Colossians and there are notes for 2:6, 2:15, 3:1, etc. I just wish it was more thorough. However, the introductions to each book are FANTASTIC! They are very well written, give a phenomenal overview and historical setting for each book. I highly recommend this purchase.
  4. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  5. Steve Yates

    Steve Yates


    This is hands down the coolest book I put in my Logos. I’ve been collecting Bibles, study works and all kinds of cool stuff in my Logos for many years. A friend of mine told me about the Spurgeon Study Bible and I “had to have it”. I jonesed for it until I found it on Logos and bought it. And have been enormously blessed since. I’d recommend this study Bible to anyone. I may have to get the printed version. Alistair Begg, you’re a great teacher and my hero for putting all this great Godly insight in one place and that in my Logos. Thank you so much!
  6. joe_bourne1951@hotmail.com
  7. Patrick Kerl

    Patrick Kerl


  8. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  9. Jim Julian

    Jim Julian


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