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Reverse Interlinears

See word-by-word comparisons across translations, and access Strong's numbers, the Bible Sense Lexicon, and Bible Word Study with just a click. Connect a Bible's English translation to its original text. The Logos reverse interlinear simplifies your original-language study. Unlike a traditional interlinear, which displays the Greek and Hebrew words in order, the reverse interlinear keeps the word order in line with the English translation, and moves the Greek and Hebrew words around to match, making it much easier to explore the original languages.

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Reverse Interlinears

Click on any word in the Bible, and your reverse interlinear opens a grid at the bottom of the text that displays key information on each word, including its Greek or Hebrew translation, transliteration, lemma, morphology, Strong's number, and Louw-Nida number.


Included in

Logos Starter and up

Works best in

Logos Starter and up

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