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Copy Bible Verses

Need to copy portions of the Bible for sermons, blog posts, Bible studies, or academic papers? The Copy Bible Verses tool makes it easy. The tool lets you copy text from a Bible in your Logos Library, select from a wide variety of formatting options, and paste it into another program of your choice.

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Copy and Paste Bible Verses in a Variety of Styles

Choose your style

Want to copy just the biblical text? Or paste each verse on its own line? Easy peasy!

With Copy Bible Verses you can choose from a dozen different pre-made styles to copy and paste biblical text with ease.

Paste into your preferred word processing or presentation software

The Copy Bible Verses tool allows you to paste your passage into word processors like Word and Pages, or into presentation programs like Faithlife Proclaim, PowerPoint, and Keynote.

Create your own style

Can’t find a copy and paste style you like? You can quickly create your own.


Included in

Logos Starter and up

Works best in

Logos Starter and up

Available on


Full functionality