Ancient Literature
Ancient Jewish and Christian literature provides a valuable context for biblical study. The Ancient Literature guide section searches the resources in your Logos library to find references to a biblical passage, whether it’s a quotation, an allusion, or on the same topic.
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See what key Christian figures had to say
Christians have been studying and engaging the Bible for millennia. The Ancient Literature guide section helps you learn from fathers and mothers in the faith by instantly connecting you to historic Christian writings on the passage you’re studying.
For example, as you’re working through the Gospel of John, you can open the Ancient Literature guide section to find direct links from your text to John Chrysostom’s homilies on your passage.
Explore literature related to your text
Works from the biblical era can provide context and shed light into the biblical text. Enter a passage in the Ancient Literature guide section, and see what the Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, have to say about a specific biblical passage.
As you’re studying the book of Zechariah, the Ancient Literature guide section links you directly to where Zechariah 11 is discussed in one of the most important of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Damascus Document, where you can see how the author interpreted Zechariah’s “two staffs” as a reference to “the messiah of Aaron and of Israel.”
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