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A Harmony of the Gospels

Digital Logos Edition

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A.T. Robertson’s Harmony of the Gospels contains a parallel record of Jesus’ ministry, and serves as an essential book for serious study of the life of Jesus. It is based on a harmony first prepared three decades earlier by J.A. Broadus. Robertson’s Harmony, however, contains significant revisions and updates, incorporating the latest biblical and textual scholarship.

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Top Highlights

“All of the incidents during this period after the temptation are given in John’s Gospel. But for the Fourth Gospel we should not know that Jesus did not plunge at once into the great Galilean Ministry.” (Luke 3:21–23)

“Matthew’s three divisions of the genalogy represent three great periods in the history of Israel” (Luke 3:23–38)

“Luke could have seen Mary, if still alive, or could have obtained it from one of Mary’s circle either orally or in manuscript from. Some scholars even suggest ‘Gospel of Mary’ and even, ‘Gospel of the Baptist’ as a written source for Luke in 1:5–2:52. Sanday (The Life of Christ in Recent Research, p. 166) says: ‘These two chapters—whatever the date at which they were first committed to writing—are essentially the most archaic thing in the whole New Testament.’” (Luke 1:5–25)

“This view is not accepted by all scholars, though it is found as early as Eusebius (Hist. Eccl. i, 7)” (Luke 3:23–38)

“Joseph, to whom the Virgin Mary was betrothed, begat Jesus.’” (Luke 3:23–38)

  • Title: A Harmony of the Gospels
  • Author: Archibald Thomas Robertson
  • Publisher: Faithlife
  • Print Publication Date: 2009
  • Logos Release Date: 2009
  • Era: era:modern
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. Gospels › Harmonies
  • Resource Type: Bible Harmony
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-03-25T20:02:02Z
Archibald Thomas Robertson

A. T. Robertson (1863–1934) was a renowned scholar and a terrific preacher. He was educated at Wake Forest University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 1892, Robertson was appointed professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he taught until 1934.

Robertson was a founding member of the Baptist World Congress, now known as the Baptist World Alliance. Throughout his incredible life, Archibald Thomas Robertson wrote 41 books ranging from grammars to simple character studies.

His books are still used today and his publications available in Logos include Practical and Social Aspects of Christianity: The Wisdom of James, Studies in Mark's Gospel, The Divinity of Christ in the Gospel of John, and A Harmony of the Gospels. Also available from Logos is the A. T. Robertson Collection (15 vols.), which includes a number of Robertson’s grammars, commentaries, lectures, and sermons.


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  1. Aaron Raju

    Aaron Raju


    The main advantage of this harmony is that it allows you to pull up parallel passages from any Bible in your library. This allows you to compare parallel passages based on any Bible that you own, even in a greek New Testament. Well worth the purchase.


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