Digital Logos Edition
This lexicon comes from A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles Briggs, based on the lexicon of Wilhelm Gesenius. It was edited by Richard Whitaker (Princeton Theological Seminary). The text was provided by Princeton Theological Seminary. A trio of eminent Old Testament scholars—Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles Briggs—spent over twenty years researching, writing, and preparing it. Since it first appeared in the early part of the twentieth century, BDB has been considered the finest and most comprehensive Hebrew lexicon available to the English-speaking student. Based on the classic work of Wilhelm Gesenius, the “father of modern Hebrew lexicography,” BDB not only gives dictionary definitions for words, but also relates each word to its Old Testament usage and categorizes its nuances of meaning. BDB’s exhaustive coverage of Old Testament Hebrew words, along with its unparalleled usage of cognate languages and the wealth of background sources consulted and quoted, render this abridged version of BDB an invaluable resource for all students of the Bible.
“I. יוֹנָה n.f. dove — dove; oft. of offerings; in various similes: Ephr. is כְּיוֹנָה פּוֹתָה like a silly dove (allowing itself to be snared); sim. of return of exiles, like eager flight of doves, of ships with white outspread sails; sim. of fugitive Moab; sim. of mourning; fig. of beauty; term of endearment.” (source)
“I. בְּרָכָה n.f. blessing — 1. blessing: a. of parent, of Moses. b. of God; ברכת אברהם, the blessing given to Abraham. c. of the people, in recognition of good men. d. of a poor man, in recognition of benefits. 2. source of blessing: Abraham; Israel; seed of the righteous; the king; memory of the righteous; new wine. 3. blessing, prosperity. 4. blessing, praise of God. 5. a gift, present; נֶפֶשׁ בְּרָכָה a liberal person. 6. treaty of peace.” (source)
“עִנְיָן n.m. occupation, task — task, and in weakened sense, a bad business, bad affair.” (source)
“3. good, excellent of its kind: a. of the several creations, אלהים כי טוֹב וירא and God saw that it was good, excellent” (source)
“II. נַעַר n.m. 1. boy, lad, youth. 2. retainer — 1. boy, lad, youth a. of infant (3 months old), to be born, just born, not weaned. b. of lad just weaned. c. = youth: of young Ishmael, Isaac, Joseph (17 years old), Benj., sons of Samuel, of Jesse; קָטֹן ˊנ little lad. d. ˊנ with special stress on youthfulness. e. of marriageable age, warrior Absalom, Zadok. 2. servant, retainer: a. = personal attendant, household servant. b. = retainer, follower. Note. נכר occurs in Pent. as Kt with Qr perpet. נַעֲרָה q.v.” (source)
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