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Products>Excellent Preaching Bundle (15 vols.)

Excellent Preaching Bundle (15 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Excellent Preaching

In Excellent Preaching, Craig Bartholomew explains how to preach so that the powerful message of the Bible penetrates the daily lives of your congregation. While we need to be intimately acquainted with Scripture, we also need to understand the context in which we preach. But good contextualization is hard work.

Imagine the contextualization of your sermons in relation to a series of concentric circles:


This bundle includes 15 carefully selected resources to help you bridge the gap between Scripture and culture. With Excellent Preaching as the centerpiece, each resource fits into a specific area to help you with your sermon prep.

Your Congregation

Your Congregation

Understand the needs, ideas, and reflections of your congregation.

Your Culture

Your Culture

Identify the cultural milieu of modern secular society.

Your Area

Your Area

Globalize your perspective to reach across borders.

Your Place in Time

Your Place in Time

Gain a historical understanding of the church’s mission.

Your Place in the Biblical Story

Your Place in the Biblical Story

Recognize your place in the ongoing biblical story.

Product Details

  • Title: Excellent Preaching Bundle (15 vols.)
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Volumes: 15
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:


5 ratings

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  1. Rev. Arthur J. Choice
    This is an outstanding collection.
  2. Phil Niebergall
  3. Kevin Bratcher
  4. Jason Stone

    Jason Stone


    It looks like a great collection ... makes me wonder why the poor review from Jason A. Smith?
  5. Jason A. Smith
This product is not currently available to purchase.