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Heirs of Promise: The Church as the New Israel in Romans

ISBN: 9781577996484
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The Church and Israel

What is the relationship between the Church and Israel? And how does that influence our understanding of the Old Testament?

In Heirs of Promise, P. Chase Sears answers these questions by taking a biblical-theological approach to the book of Romans. He argues that Paul views the Church as the new Israel—not a replacement of Israel, but rather the continuation of Israel reconstituted in Christ. As the Son of God, Jesus is the true Israel, through whom all of God’s purposes for Israel and creation are realized. Through faith in Christ, the Church becomes God’s new covenant people and heirs of all his saving promises.

Sears examines how people united to Jesus find their identity in him. He explains how Old Testament promises made to Israel are being fulfilled in the Church. And he shows how Paul applies descriptions of Israel to all those who believe the gospel. These themes from Romans demonstrate that Paul considers the Church to be the new Israel, and thus Heirs of Promise.

The Snapshots Series

The Snapshots series, edited by renowned scholar Michael F. Bird, engages significant issues in contemporary biblical scholarship, making them accessible to busy students of the word and applicable in the life of the church.

Learn more about the other titles in this series.

Top Highlights

“The current discussion is not whether the Church has replaced Israel; non-dispensationalists are not arguing this. Rather, the issue is whether believing Gentiles are on equal footing with believing Jews, receiving all ot promises through faith in Christ17—it is on this point that further dialogue needs to occur.” (Page 7)

“The Church is not the replacement of Israel, but the continuation of Israel reconstituted in Christ.” (Page 106)

“This transformation then presented new questions, questions concerning whether God had abandoned the nation of Israel (Rom 9–11).” (Page 1)

“Paul does not present the Church as a ‘replacement’ of Israel, but as ‘the continuation of Israel into the new age.’” (Page 72)

“So Paul does not see Jesus as merely restoring the nation of Israel so it can bless the nations; instead, Jesus as the true Israel accomplishes this task in himself.” (Page 32)


  • Introduction
  • Jesus as God’s True Son, Israel
  • The Inauguration of the New Creation
  • Israelite Language Applied to the Church
  • Implications for the Future of Israel in Romans 11
  • Conclusion

Product Details

  • Title: Heirs of Promise: The Church as the New Israel in Romans
  • Author: P. Chase Sears
  • Series Editor: Michael F. Bird
  • Series: Snapshots
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 107
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5x8
  • ISBN: 9781577996484

About P. Chase Sears

P. Chase Sears is a New Testament PhD candidate at Southern Seminary. His research interests include New Testament theology, Pauline theology, and Hermeneutics. He has contributed to the Lexham Bible Dictionary and is currently the pastor-teacher at Oak Park Baptist Church in Jeffersonville, IN.

Sample Pages from Heirs of Promise


3 ratings

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  1. Pastor Mark Stevenson
  2. Whyndell Grizzard
    This is an awesome presentation of "fulfillment" theology, not replacement theology. There is no exclusion here Israel has a future, but it is conditional- based in faith in Christ. Matt. 16.15 is the beginning of the promise of the fulfillment for Israel and the Gentiles- there is but one people of God and it is the assembly of Believers, the Church. Jew and Gentile alike are on equal footing- Paul can speak no plainer than he has through the work of the Holy Spirit in Romans, Galatians and Ephesians regarding who the True Israel is- Christ and His.
  3. CharlesJ



    Looking forward to reading the book. God made a covenant with the house of Israel. The house of Israel was the remnant of believing Jews alive on Pentecost. For the first 10 years there was only Jews in the church. Acts 10 you see the first Gentile convert, Cornelius. God will not deal with "fleshly" Israel now or in the future. His people, those that have obeyed the gospel (2Thes1:7,8) are His people and are the "Israel of God." For those who want to discuss this you can email me; cjemeyson@satx.rr.com May the Lord bless us as we serve HIm.
  4. Ross Purdy

    Ross Purdy


    "He argues that Paul views the Church as the new Israel—not a replacement of Israel," Is this what a "biblical -theological approach" comes up with? The statement makes no sense! If the church is the NEW Israel, then replacing the old Israel is precisely what has happened. The New Covenant is explicitly made with Israel and not the church. Paul explains in Romans 9-11 that while Israel is set aside, she is not cast out! The unbelievers of Israel will be purged and the TRUE ISRAEL composed of Israelite believers, the believing remnant, will be saved by her King. The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Israel. So the promo seems like it is promoting a rather bazaar type of theology which is seemingly replacing not only Israel but the primary meaning of Paul's words. I do not intend to be harsh but it is just such an incredible proposition.


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