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Mobile Ed: LD102 The Ministry Leader and the Inner Life (11 hour course)

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A lack of spiritual formation among ministry leaders has resulted in frequent ethical failures, lost positions, and devastated ministries. In LD102 Dr. Irving illustrates the need for attending to the inner life for anyone involved in ministry leadership. This course helps defend against spiritual burnout and ethical failures by walking you through a process of spiritual formation that is rooted in both community and the Holy Spirit. Dr. Irving offers a thorough explanation of contemporary leadership emergence theory, undergirding this work with a survey of spiritual gifts and providing a holistic approach to personal formation. This course concludes with a fourfold approach to discipleship that you will appreciate as much for yourself as for discipling others.

Resource Experts

Course Outline

Unit 1: Self-Leadership

  • A Panorama of Self-Leadership
  • The Five Levels of Leadership
  • The Process of Spiritual Transformation: In Community
  • The Process of Spiritual Transformation: In Authenticity
  • The Process of Spiritual Transformation: In the Presence of the Lord
  • The Process of Spiritual Transformation: In Process
  • The Process of Spiritual Transformation: In the Spirit of the Lord
  • The Personal Formation of the Leader
  • The Dark Side of Leadership
  • Knowing Your Story in the Master Story
  • The Leader and the Inner Life
  • Essential Features of Self-Leadership: Part 1
  • Essential Features of Self-Leadership: Part 2

Unit 2: Personal Formation

  • Leadership Emergence Theory
  • The Value of Leadership Emergence Theory
  • Leadership Antecedents and Resilience
  • The Relationship between Leader Self-Differentiation and Leader Resiliency
  • Self-Differentiation and the “Twice Born” Leader
  • Life Story
    • Important Dimensions of a Life Story
    • Stones of Remembrance, Transformative Events, and Crucible Moments
  • Life Calling
    • Purpose and Meaning
    • Life Story and Life Calling
  • Life Values
    • Values Examples
    • Identifying, Defining, and Embracing Our Life Values
    • Setting Life Goals
    • Guidelines for Setting Life Goals
  • Life Motivation
  • Life Gifts
    • Personality Types
    • Personality Type Descriptors
  • Spiritual Gifts
    • The Nature of Spiritual Gifts and Assessment
    • Every Member a Minister
    • Appreciating Spiritual Gifts in Others and Ourselves
    • The Relationship of Spiritual Gifts to Life Goals and Life Passion
  • Emotional Maturity
    • Emotional Intelligence and Awareness
    • Capacity for Emotional Intelligence
    • Understanding Personality Style: MBTI
    • Assessing Personality Style
    • Strengths in Leadership: StrengthsFinder 1
    • Strengths in Leadership: StrengthsFinder 2

Unit 3: Spiritual Formation

  • Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines
  • Holistic Perspective
    • An Illustration
    • The Illustration Applied to Four Christians
    • Appreciating Holism
    • Engaging the Whole
  • Eternal Perspective
    • Heavenly Minded and Earthly Good
    • A Vision for Eternal Things
  • Divine Perspective
    • For What Purpose?
    • The End and the Means
  • Joyful Perspective
    • The Pain of Limited Pleasure and the Pursuit of Lasting Pleasure
    • Joy and the Pathway of Grace-Filled Discipline
  • Reflecting on God’s Works
    • Grace and Condescension: Part 1
    • Grace and Condescension: Part 2

Unit 4: A Model for Holistic Discipleship

  • Pursuing God through the Disciplines of the Mind (Intellectual)
    • An Introduction to a Model for Holistic Discipleship
    • Spiritual Disciplines of the Mind
    • Mindfulness of the Dangers in Christian Learning
    • Christian Learning from History
    • Worship in Research and the Life of the Mind
    • The Dimensions of the Doxological Researcher
    • Five Defining Priorities for Doxological Researchers: Spiritual Grounding 1
    • Five Defining Priorities for Doxological Researchers: Spiritual Grounding 2
    • Five Defining Priorities for Doxological Researchers: Godward Curiosity
    • Five Defining Priorities for Doxological Researchers: Humble Self-Efficacy
    • Five Defining Priorities for Doxological Researchers: Excellence in Inquiry and Investigation
    • Five Defining Priorities for Doxological Researchers: Kingdom Impact
    • The Fuel and Goal of Doxological Research
    • Research as Worship
  • Pursuing God through the Disciplines of the Heart (Emotional)
    • Spiritual Disciplines of the Heart
    • Prayer and the Heart
    • The Lord’s Prayer: Part 1
    • The Lord’s Prayer: Part 2
    • Asking Great Things from a Great God
    • On Contemplative Prayer
    • Worship and Offering
    • Fasting
    • Christian Hedonism
  • Pursuing God through the Disciplines of Action (Missional)
    • Spiritual Disciplines of Action
    • Missional Christianity: A Tale of Three Christians
    • Adopting the Mission of Jesus
  • Pursuing God through the Disciplines of Community (Relational)
    • Spiritual Disciplines of Community
    • Spiritual Disciplines within the Context of Christian Community: Part 1
    • Spiritual Disciplines within the Context of Christian Community: Part 2

Unit 5: Leadership and the Centered Life

  • Planning for a Life of Spiritual Discipline
  • Understanding the Nature of Margins
  • Evaluating Margins and Balance in Our Lives
  • Introduction

    • Introducing the Speaker and the Course

    Unit 1: Introduction to Leadership

    • The Leader’s Inner Life
    • Levels of Leadership
    • Self-Leadership
    • Spiritual Formation in Community
    • Spiritual Formation in Authenticity
    • Spiritual Formation in God’s Presence
    • Spiritual Formation in Process
    • Spiritual Formation in the Spirit
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Increasing Emotional Intelligence
    • The Dark Side of Leadership
    • Finding Context for Your Story

    Unit 2: Personal Formation: Self-Leadership Essentials

    • Integrity and the Prevention of Moral Failure
    • Foundations of Leadership
    • Self-Attention
    • Overview of Leadership Emergence Theory
    • Applying Leadership Emergence Theory
    • Resiliency and Effective Leadership
    • Self-Differentiation and Effective Leadership
    • Self-Identity and Effective Leadership

    Unit 3: Personal Formation: Life Story

    • The Importance of Life Story
    • Understanding Your Life Story
    • Investing in Your Life Story
    • Life Callings
    • Calling and Purpose
    • Life Story and Life Calling
    • Life Values
    • Actualizing Life Values
    • Life Goals
    • Guidelines for Setting Goals
    • Life Motivation
    • Personality Types
    • Personality Types and Life Gifts
    • Spiritual Gifts
    • Spiritual Gifts for All Christians
    • Appreciating Spiritual Gifts
    • Gifts and Life Passion

    Unit 4: Personal Formation: Emotions and Strengths

    • Emotional Maturity
    • Responding to Emotions
    • Understanding Myers-Briggs Personality Types
    • Assessing Myers-Briggs Personality Types
    • Strengths-Based Leadership
    • Appreciating Diversity of Strengths

    Unit 5: Spiritual Formation: Perspectives

    • Introduction to Holistic and Eternal Perspectives
    • Introduction to Divine and Joyful Perspectives
    • Holistic Perspective: An Illustration
    • Holistic Perspective: Four Dimensions
    • Holistic Perspective: Celebrating Differences
    • Holistic Perspective: Engaging the Whole
    • Eternal Perspective: Suffering
    • Eternal Perspective: Spiritual Vision
    • Divine Perspective: Godliness
    • Divine Perspective: Means and Goal
    • Joyful Perspective: Unlimited Pleasure
    • Joyful Perspective: God’s Grace
    • Dependence on God’s Grace
    • God’s Condescension

    Unit 6: Spiritual Formation: The Mind

    • Introduction to a Holistic Model of Discipleship
    • Intellectual Disciplines
    • Knowing God Himself
    • Learning from the Past
    • Introduction to Doxological Research
    • Dimensions of Doxological Researchers
    • Priorities of Doxological Researchers: Spiritual Grounding, Part 1
    • Priorities of Doxological Researchers: Spiritual Grounding, Part 2
    • Priorities of Doxological Researchers: Godward Curiosity
    • Priorities of Doxological Researchers: Humble Self-Efficacy
    • Priorities of Doxological Researchers: Excellence in Inquiry
    • Priorities of Doxological Researchers: Kingdom Impact
    • Motivations and Goals of Doxological Research
    • Ultimate and Subordinate Motivations and Goals of Doxological Research

    Unit 7: Spiritual Formation: The Heart

    • Emotional Disciplines
    • Private Prayer and Public Prayer
    • Lord’s Prayer, Part 1
    • Lord’s Prayer, Part 2
    • Possibilities in Prayer
    • Daily Examination in Prayer
    • Worship
    • Fasting
    • Delighting in God

    Unit 8: Spiritual Formation: Actions

    • Missional Disciplines
    • Foundations of Missional Christianity, Part 1
    • Foundations of Missional Christianity, Part 2

    Unit 9: Spiritual Formation: Community

    • Relational Disciplines
    • Unity and Fellowship
    • Living in Community

    Unit 10: A Life of Spiritual Discipline

    • Addressing Busyness
    • Living with Margin
    • Progress and Productivity


    • Course Summary and Challenge

Product Details

  • Title: LD102 The Ministry Leader and the Inner Life
  • Instructor: Justin Irving
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 11
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

About Justin Irving

Dr. Justin Irving is the director of the doctor of ministry program and professor of ministry leadership at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. Irving has served as a worship leader and a pastor of leadership development and outreach in the local church. He has focused his writing and research on servant leadership, team leadership in the global context, self-sacrificial leadership, and the relationship between servant leadership and the effectiveness of teams in diverse ethno-linguistic communities.


Getting the most out of Mobile Ed


Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course was produced with screencast videos. These videos provide tutorials showing you how to use Logos Bible Software in ways that are tied directly into the content of the course. We are now producing Activities resources as a replacement for screencast videos. We plan on updating this course to include this additional Activities resource in the future for no extra charge.



3 ratings

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  1. Aaron Graves

    Aaron Graves


    I was really disappointed in this class. It claimed to be a class to develop the inner life of ministry leaders, but offered very little Scripture in comparison to the volume of catch-phrases, buzzwords, and secular models and strategies. The sad part is, when the instructor did include Scripture, he explained and applied it well. Sadly, many of the recommended books and influences of the curriculum were disqualified from ministry or have left an orthodox view of salvation by grace, through faith in Christ alone. God gave us the ultimate book on leadership, integrity and discipline; please, use His Word more.
  2. Danny Robert

    Danny Robert


  3. Jesse Blevins

    Jesse Blevins


    I took this course in 2018. It was a good course and Dr. Irving has a real passion for leadership that comes through in all of his instruction. The course contains a lot of helpfu reading assignments and a lot of extra reading recommendations that will provide one with plenty of resources to read beyond its completion.


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