Digital Logos Edition
“Dispensationalism” may not be a household term, but it designates one of the most widespread and influential traditions in evangelical theology today. This book explains a significant change presently taking place in dispensational interpretations of Scripture. This change affects the way dispensationalists understand key biblical themes such as the kingdom of God, the church in God’s redemptive program, the interrelationship of the biblical covenants, the historical and prophetic fulfillment of those covenants, and the role of Christ in that fulfillment
A new breed of thinkers is emerging within dispensationalism. As representatives of the new generation, Blaising and Bock provide a thoughtful presentation of progressive dispensationalism. Both dispensationalists and covenantalists will be challenged by their rethinking of biblical theology.
—Stanley J. Grenz
This book will bring the reader up-to-date on progressive dispensationalism, a significant current topic of theological discussion in evangelical circles. Progressive Dispensationalism is a handy summary of where the movement it describes fits on the dispensational map and how it got there. Some readers will not agree with everything in this book, but they will all be forced to acknowledge that dispensationalists are willing to subject their system to the scrutiny of Scripture.
—Donald K. Campbell, president, Dallas Theological Seminary
Blaising and Bock have produced the most important advance in dispensationalist theology since Charles Ryrie’s Dispensationalism Today nearly thirty years ago. Progressive dispensationalism has now positioned its movement within the mainstream of biblical scholarship, as it offers a defensible exegesis of each of the Scriptures it treats.
—Craig L. Blomberg, Denver Seminary
As I read Progressive Dispensationalism the television commercial kept echoing in my ears, ‘This isn’t your father’s Oldsmobile.’ The dispensationalism of Bock and Blaising is not the dispensationalism of Darby, Scofield, or even Ryrie, but it is dispensationalism. The authors are not covenant theologians in sheep’s clothing. Bock and Blaising have chosen the most difficult path. . .They are pursuing significant change within their own tradition. . .Any non-dispensationalists who want to say, ‘dispensationalists believe. . .’ should read this book before they speak. This is an Oldsmobile, but not like your father’s.
—Allen Mawhinney, Reformed Theological Seminary
Craig A. Blaising (Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is the Associate Vice President for Doctoral Studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Darrell L. Bock (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen) is research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author or editor of many books, including the two-volume commentary on Luke in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, and Jesus According to Scripture and Studying the Historical Jesus, both available from Logos as part of the Baker New Testament Studies Collection (14 Vols.).
“The term dispensationalism comes from the word dispensation which refers to a distinctive way in which God manages or arranges the relationship of human beings to Himself.” (Page 11)
“What makes the church a new dispensation are these blessings of the Holy Spirit which are qualitatively different from the blessings of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.” (Page 16)
“Progressive dispensationalists understand the dispensations not simply as different arrangements between God and humankind, but as successive arrangements in the progressive revelation and accomplishment of redemption.” (Page 48)
“Dispensations. The word dispensation refers to a particular arrangement by which God regulates the way human beings relate to Him.2 Dispensationalism believes that God has planned a succession of different dispensations throughout history, both past, present, and future. Furthermore, dispensationalists believe that these dispensations are revealed in Scripture, in both biblical history and prophecy. Understanding these dispensations, these different relationships God has had and will have with humanity, is crucial for comprehending the teaching and message of the Bible.” (Page 14)
“There were simply two groups of people. Not heavenly versus earthly, but those represented by Israel and the church.” (Page 32)
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