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Products>Hugh Ross / Reasons To Believe Collection (9 vols.)

Hugh Ross / Reasons To Believe Collection (9 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $106.91
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Both science and theology have much to say about the beginnings and the meaning of life, but the scarcity of helpful and productive dialogue has been overwhelmed by fierce rhetoric and ardently defended positions. When did life begin? Did life arise by chance? Does the universe display evidence of order? Philosophers, theologians, and scientists rarely agree, leaving many of life’s fundamental questions unanswered and inquiring minds bewildered.

Hugh Ross, who directs the efforts of Reasons To Believe, rises above the fray to present clear and well-reasoned arguments for the existence of God and evidence of God’s design in the universe. Drawing from his experience as a scientist and his background as a Christian apologist, Ross weighs in on the controversy;  and confronts naturalist notions of creation and order.

In the 9-volume Hugh Ross/Reasons To Believe Collection, Ross shows that abundant evidence exists for a Creator, and that Christians who dispute naturalist claims about origins stand on firm intellectual footing. The books in the Hugh Ross/Reasons to Believe Collection address the most pressing issues relating to the current debate between creation and evolution, such as the evidence of order and design in the universe, the veracity and historicity of the events in Genesis, the origins of life, and the scientific basis for belief in God.

The Hugh Ross/Reasons to Believe Collection is ideal for anyone interested in the creation/evolution debate, for apologists, for Christians interested in science, and for pastors and teachers.

Resource Experts
  • Illustrations and graphics
  • General and topical indexes included for quick reference
  • The key issues in the creation/evolution debate
  • The most insightful writing from the director of Reasons to Believe

Reasons to Believe is a nonprofit organization, without denominational affiliation, adhering to the doctrinal statements of the National Association of Evangelicals and the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. It provides research and teaching on the harmony of God’s revelation in the words of the Bible and in the facts of nature.

  • Title: Hugh Ross/Reasons to Believe Collection
  • Author: Hugh Ross
  • Publisher: Navpress.
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 2,448
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Hugh Ross earned a B.Sc. in physics from the University of British Columbia and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto. For several years he continued his research on quasars and galaxies as a post-doctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology. For eleven years he served as minister of evangelism at Sierra Madre Congregational Church. Today he directs the efforts of Reasons to Believe, an institute founded to research and proclaim the factual basis for faith in God and his Word, the Bible. He also hosts a weekly television program called “Reasons to Believe” on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and a weekly live call-in radio program on several stations throughout the United States. Over the years, Dr. Ross has given hundreds of lectures, seminars, and courses, both in the United States and abroad, on Christian apologetics. He lives in southern California with his wife, Kathy, and sons, Joel and David.


4 ratings

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  1. Mark Spencer

    Mark Spencer


    Reasonable, consistent and useful in reaching a secularly scientific world with eternal spiritual truth.
  2. Brian Huffling
    "Total value if sold separately: $96.82 Your exclusive price: $99.95" Ummmmmm . . . ???
  3. Larry Snyder

    Larry Snyder


    love ross
  4. Matthew Gunn

    Matthew Gunn


  5. James Hwang

    James Hwang


    Great collection
  6. Rob



    As usual, it is cheaper to buy from Amazon. As usual, Amazon will get my money. As usual I want to support Logos but they are too expensive. As usual the secular wins of the Christian.
  7. Paul Boone

    Paul Boone



Collection value: $106.91
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