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Studies in Dogmatics (14 vols.)

, 1952–1976

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $319.86
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Logos Bible Software is pleased to offer G. C. Berkouwer's collection of studies on Christian theology, doctrine, and dogma. The Studies in Dogmatics series noted by many as one of the most significant works of Christian Dogmatics of the 20th century. Berkouwer's work is seen by many to be second only to his predecessor Karl Barth in its significance and contribution to Reformed Christian theology.

Resource Experts
Here we have the classic Reformed theology considered in a manner which is right up to date. Professor Berkouwer has always been known as a virile and stimulating theologian. He is one, moreover, who is able to do this in a modern manner and a popular style.

—D. M. Lloyd-Jones, Westminster Chapel, London

Dr. Berkouwer's vigorous volumes on dogmatics not only deserve to be read on both sides of the Atlantic, but the present tensions in theology make the reading of these works an imperative.

—Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, Editor, Christianity Today

Next to Barth's Church Dogmatics, the series of studies in course of preparation by the Amsterdam theologian constitutes the most extensive dogmatical project of today.

The Reformed Theological Review

The importance of Professor Berkouwer's projected 'Studies in Dogmatics' becomes clearer with the publication of each new volume. The project as a whole represents one of the most ambitious undertakings in contemporary theology. Its scope approaches the magnitude of the work of Barth and Brunner in Europe and of Ferre in America. It unquestionably marks the author as one of the genuinely significant leaders of Christian thought in our day.

—E. T. Ramsdell, Professor of Systematic Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute

The translation of G. C. Berkouwer's Studies in Dogmatics is more than just another theology on the market. Berkouwer is among the best theological writers of our day, and the theological student who neglects him is not wise. The author shows complete familiarity with all the currents in contemporary theology, and is sure to make a rich contribution to American theology.

—Dr. Dale Moody, Professor of Systematic Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

  • Title: Studies in Dogmatics
  • Author: G. C. Berkouwer
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Volumes: 14
  • Pages: 4,942
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Gerrit Cornelis Berkouwer (1903-1996), Dutch theologian. He studied at the Christian Gymnasium and at the Free University of Amsterdam, obtaining a doctorate there in 1932. As pastor in the Gereformeerde Kerken (1927–45), he served in Oudehorne and Amsterdam. Also lecturer in modern theology at the Free University of Amsterdam (1940–45), he became professor of systematic theology there in 1945 and continued until his retirement in 1973. He was an observer at Vatican Council II (1962) and a member of the Royal Academy of the Sciences. His Studies in Dogmatics (14 vols., 1952–76) have earned high praise. “The importance of Berkouwer lies in his refusal to accept simplistic either-or’s … in which the fulness of truth is torn apart” (A Half Century of Theology, 208) and his “conviction that theology, if it is to be meaningful … had to be a theology directed to the pulpit” (L. B. Smedes). Other significant works include The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl Barth (1956), The Second Vatican Council and the New Catholicism (1965), and A Half Century of Theology (1977).

From Biographical Entries from New 20th-Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge


3 ratings

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  1. Jim Thornton

    Jim Thornton


    This is still waters and green pastures!
  2. David H Villarreal
  3. Phil Gons

    Phil Gons


    An excellent treatment of theology. Well worth consulting.


Collection value: $319.86
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