Digital Logos Edition
In The American Puritans, Dustin Benge and Nate Pickowicz tell the story of the first hundred years of Reformed Protestantism in New England through the lives of nine key figures: William Bradford, John Winthrop, John Cotton, Thomas Hooker, Thomas Shepard, Anne Bradstreet, John Eliot, Samuel Willard, and Cotton Mather. Here is sympathetic yet informed history, a book that corrects many myths and half-truths told about the American Puritans while inspiring a current generation of Christians to let their light shine before men.
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In the history of Christianity there have been particular times when God uses a particular group of people at a particular place for a particularly great work. Puritan New England is a vibrant example of such a time, people, and place. Between Cape Anne and Cape Cod, huddled close to the coast, lived a concentration of highly educated, thoughtful, and pious people intent on living as Christ would have them live. History ever after cannot be understood without an eye on their influence. The American Puritans is an excellent introduction to these vibrant Christians.
—Rick Kennedy, professor of history, Point Loma Nazarene University and author of The First American Evangelical: A Short Life of Cotton Mather
There has been a gap in the vital industry of reprinting the superbly relevant studies written by Puritan theologians and preachers. A survey of the leading American Puritans has been deeply needed. They have lived in the shadow of the extraordinary Jonathan Edwards. There are many others, and they are important to us in the United Kingdom because they lived before the American Revolutionary War, and so they are our Puritans as William Shakespeare is also America’s playwright. In the eighteenth century, English Puritanism had been wiped out, destroyed by Unitarianism and yet revived by George Whitefield and the leaders of the Great Awakening. But Puritanism continued across the Atlantic in New England and in the English colonies. To freshly introduce Christians on both sides of the ocean to their spiritual fathers is an enormous achievement. May we grow as familiar with them as we have become with the English Puritans. May God bless their testimony today to revive the witness in the Old Country, which is wilting in the weakness of historic Christianity, which is under constant attack and denigration even in the professing church itself.
—Geoff Thomas, visiting professor of historical theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
I am personally excited to see this excellent work, The American Puritans, written by two gifted authors and historians, Dustin Benge and Nate Pickowicz, appear in print. These men have made an important contribution to our understanding of the spiritual leaders who laid the theological and moral foundation for the early American colonies. Four centuries later, we continue to stand on the sturdy shoulders of these giants who first brought the Puritan way of life to American soil. This is a book containing nine concise biographies that I urge you to read. I believe it will both encourage and challenge you in your faith as you study these Puritans of the past.
—Steven J. Lawson, president, OnePassion Ministries and professor, The Master’s Seminary