Digital Logos Edition
In everyday parlance, synthesis is synonymous with short. Here, Mauro Gagliardi uses synthesis as it has been applied to the Hypostatic Union in Christ: the “Synthetic Union” of the two natures in one Person. All of dogmatic theology is presented from this et-et (both-and), Christocentric approach in Truth is a Synthesis: Catholic Dogmatic Theology.
The volume presents for beginners a comprehensive, organic view of the Catholic faith. Truth is a Synthesis spotlights, in a respectful yet clear way, the different views about Christian Dogmatics held by our separated brethren, both Protestant and Orthodox. As he explores the implications of the et-et nature of theology, Gagliardi reveals the underlying unity of both Fundamental and Dogmatic theology.
Professor Gagliardi’s book is in every way a magnum opus, both from the qualitative and the quantitative standpoint.
—Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller
With his newly published Truth Is a Synthesis: Catholic Dogmatic Theology, Fr. Gagliardi has made a significant contribution in the area of theological formation. This text should prove of valuable assistance to both student and teacher alike, as a comprehensive, detailed, and faithful overview of Catholic teaching found in Sacred Scripture, Tradition, papal teaching, and scholarship through the centuries to the present day. This work in English should enjoy a receptive and expanded audience.
--Most. Rev. Glen Provost. Bishop of Lake Charles
This book is long because it is patient. It is as lucid as it is long. It is in itself a fulsome theological education, accessibly organized. Teachers and students, clergy and laity—anyone with an enquiring mind who seeks knowledge, insight, and coherence in the things that matter most—will not only enjoy reading it but will return to it regularly. It will be one of the first books to which I point my own students.
--Douglas Farrow. McGill University