Digital Logos Edition
How do we keep growing as a leader? And how do we ensure others around us grow in their leadership?
These twin themes run throughout this book, exploring the joys and challenges of leading at a time when we need Christians to lead well wherever they are.
Such leadership is always about more than just skills. It includes a clearer sense of call, growth in Christlike character, an ability to lead well with others and, at heart, a deepening relationship with God. This book offer practical ideas and insights into how to grow as this sort of leader.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
This is probably the most thoughtful, rigorous and engaging study of Christian leadership that I have read. A ‘must have’ for anyone who is taking this subject seriously.
—Jill Garrett, Executive Director, Tenpeg Consulting
I am always looking for books to recommend to young ministry leaders. Now James Lawrence’s Growing Leaders will be near the top of my list! It is authentic – written by a ‘growing leader’ who himself helps to grow other young leaders. It is both biblically solid and organisationally aware; holds in tension competence and character; and, out of the author’s life experience, is rich in resources and practical help. It deserves a wide reading, and can help to meet one of the greatest needs of the global church – the forming of leaders who lead like and to and for Jesus!
—Leighton Ford, Foudner of The Arrow Leadership Programme
There are too many books on leadership, but this one I’ll keep on my shelves. James combines a broad knowledge of the latest research and tested literature with an understanding of church (and especially Anglican) leadership, and won’t let either run away from scripture. He has mixed them thoughtfully and humbly, enriched by the experience gained from life, ministry and the Arrow Leadership Programme.
—Hugh Palmer, Rector, All Souls, Langham Place