Digital Logos Edition
Is it a sin for Christians to be angry? After all, didn’t Jesus teach his disciples to forgive unconditionally?
Rev. Dr. Maggie Low answers both of these questions with a resounding “No!” Debunking unhealthy assumptions about anger and forgiveness, God, I’m Angry! lays the groundwork for a biblical understanding of righteous anger, conditional forgiveness, and unconditional love. Low thoroughly engages both Old Testament and New Testament texts to demonstrate that biblical forgiveness is always reliant upon repentance. Examining the psalms of vengeance in their original context, she also establishes that there is such a thing as a healthy, and holy, expression of anger–a way to “do anger” with God that makes space for healing and restored relationship.
Alongside profound theological insight, this book provides a step-by-step guide for application in pastoral counselling contexts and includes real life examples from Low’s extensive ministry experience. It is a source of practical wisdom for spiritual and emotional growth towards freedom, wholeness, and fullness of life.
In God, I’m Angry! Rev. Dr. Maggie Low tackles, with both competence and compassion, thorny issues such as anger, unforgiveness, and vengeance. She speaks as a theologian, exegeting numerous texts and engaging with selected theologies. She speaks also as a pastor, drawing from her considerable experience in counselling believers. The case she makes goes against the grain of what is often put forward as the biblical position on forgiveness. Whether we agree with her or not, this book will not only push us to examine our personal stand, it will also aid us in addressing this topic with greater clarity. I am pleased to commend it to you.
—Rt. Rev. Titus Chung, PhD