Renowned ELCA ethicist James Childs contextualizes the origins of this foundational social statement and helps contemporary Lutherans think creatively about how we all are called to be the church, in and for the world around us. Grounded in scripture and Lutheran theology, Childs explores the history of Lutheran public witness in the United States and then deftly connects it with our present.
Lutherans are called to seek justice for people living in poverty, for creation, and as peacemakers. What does this look like in practice? How do we engage in the dialogue that is love seeking justice? Who is doing this work? How might we be called, as individuals and institutions, to speak powerfully the truth of Christ for others? Where might the Holy Spirit be leading this this church - and its members - to grow? With thoughtful discussions at the end of each chapter and a list of suggestions for further reading, ReEngaging ELCA Social Teaching on The Church in Society is an accessible resource for engaging congregations, study groups, and classrooms.
The Rev. James M. Childs Jr., PhD, is Joseph A. Sittler Professor Emeritus of Theology and Ethics at Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. From 2002 to 2005 he served as Director of Sexuality Studies for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. His books include Ethics in the Community of Promise (Fortress, 2006) and The Way of Peace (Fortress, 2008).