Digital Logos Edition
The first full-length study of the evolution of self and agency in ancient Israelite anthropology
Conceptions of “the self” have received significant recent attention in philosophy, anthropology, and cultural history. Scholars argue that the introspective self of the modern West is a distinctive phenomenon that cannot be projected back onto the cultures of antiquity. While acknowledging such difference is vital, it can lead to an inaccurate flattening of the ancient self.
In this study, Carol A. Newsom explores the assumptions that govern ancient Israelite views of the self and its moral agency before the fall of Judah, as well as striking developments during the Second Temple period. She demonstrates how the collective trauma of the destruction of the Temple catalyzed changes in the experience of the self in Israelite literature, including first-person-singular prayers, notions of self-alienation, and emerging understandings of a defective heart and will. Examining novel forms of spirituality as well as sectarian texts, Newsom chronicles the evolving inward gaze in ancient Israelite literature, unveiling how introspection in Second Temple Judaism both parallels and differs from forms of introspective selfhood in Greco-Roman cultures.
Newsom’s study is marked by careful attention to the primary texts and an interweaving of contemporary theory. The differing perspectives that she identifies in the literature open new ways for scholarship to explore the complexity of the Second Temple Jewish world.
—Jason Maston, Religious Studies Review
Newsom’s strong philological skills combined with a deep literary sensitivity have made her one of the best biblical scholars of her generation. The present work explores the various means of constructing the self in Second Temple Judaism and offers striking new insights regarding the nature of moral agency.
—Gary Anderson, author of Sin: A History and Charity: The Place of the Poor in the Biblical Tradition