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Products>Color Code Study Bible, Revealing God's Truth Color by Color: Nkjv

Color Code Study Bible, Revealing God's Truth Color by Color: Nkjv

ISBN: 9781400341436


Ebooks are designed for reading and have few connections to your library.


The Color Code Study Bible provides a clear path to understanding the Bible.

The Color Code Study Bible uses vibrant colors to highlight Bible verses on seven key topics of the Bible, helping you see the topic within all of Scripture.  The seven key topics include: (1) God the Father; (2) God the Son; (3) God the Holy Spirit; (4) Salvation; (5) Sanctification; (6) Sin and Temptation; and (7) Last Things.

Additionally, you will find helpful notes throughout the Scripture leading you to study the Bible book by book, verse by verse, or topic by topic. Whether you choose one approach or all three, the Color Code Study Bible gives you dynamic, practical approach for regular Bible reading—and even includes generous margins for your own notes.

The Color Code Bible system will help you gain a better understanding of the Bible one idea at a time, growing deeper in your relationship with God.  

Features include:

  • Easy-to-use color code system that highlights 7 core concepts of the Bible
  • Book-by-book notes to better understand the key ideas of each Bible book
  • Verse-by-verse notes at the bottom of the page to gain deeper insight into each chapter
  • Topic-by-topic notes to bring clarity on 21 key doctrinal concepts in the Bible
  • Generous 1.25" note-taking space in the outer margins
  • Engaging, full color throughout the Bible
  • Concordance included to facilitate study

Thomas Nelson Publishing began in a village in Scotland over 200 years ago and now the enterprise employs over 600 people. Thomas Nelson's goal has been to honor God and serve people. It started out as a second-hand bookshop in Edinburgh and Thomas also wanted to publish his own materials. He wanted to provide affordable Christian works and classic literature for the "common folk". Thomas Nelson's growing reputation for integrity and enthusiasm caused this enterprise to flourish.


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