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Products>Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith

Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith


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A Catholic covert and scholar discusses why it’s important to retain ritual and spiritual symbolism in modern Christian faith.

While many Catholics feel a pull to conform to the conventions of modern culture, Home in the Church offers an inspiring call back to a distinctly Catholic way of living. It shares a vision of Mother Church as the home on earth that will lead us to our heavenly home. Author and Catholic convert Jessica Ptomey describes her journey to a more embodied Christian faith in the Catholic Church, and she invites readers to discover—or rediscover—the same experience. 

Home in the Church explores the various elements of church liturgy, teaching, and tradition that help believers to live a faith that is embodied—lived out body, mind, and soul. Home in the Church discusses the embodied nature of faith in the home, in the celebrations of the liturgical calendar, in the liturgy of the Mass, in personal prayer, in the intercession of the saints, in the sacraments, and in a redemptive view of suffering.
Jessica Ptomey is a Communications professor and scholar, Catholic blogger, and home educator. She writes about various topics related to living intentional lives of faith, communication, and classical/Charlotte Mason education principles. She is also a contributing writer on CatholicMom.com and JoyInTruth.com, and she is the creator and co-host (with her husband Mike) of The Catholic Reading Challenge podcast. Jessica received her B.A. in Communications from Bryan College and M.A. in Journalism and Ph.D. in Communication Studies from Regent University. She and her husband, converts to Catholicism in 2013, live with their four children in Bowie, Maryland.


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