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Products>Gray Matter, Dark Matter, and Doesn’t Matter: Essays on the Mind, the Universe, and Whatever

Gray Matter, Dark Matter, and Doesn’t Matter: Essays on the Mind, the Universe, and Whatever


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The universe lies within humans. Gray matter contains each person's memories and enables the past to affect their future. What they remember shapes who they are. Who they are affects the cosmos. Every human being, regardless of how insignificant each may feel, has a part to play in God's Creation. Readers are invited to explore the stories that help to make them who they are, so that they may discover their own reason for being and their own place in the universe.

“I enjoyed this book immensely. Harry Serio is a theologian, a mystic, and a mythic explorer on a lifelong journey to know more about everything, to penetrate into the deepest recesses of the universe, and to probe the gnosis of life. This wonderful collection of essays is his latest installment inviting us deeper into the sacred mysteries, a fascinating trip through different models of theology as they emerged in different cultures at different times.”

—Charlie Curtis, board certified hypnotherapist

“Harry Serio has explained many of the unique beliefs of faith that bear deep understanding in his typical clarifying prose. Like a modern C. S. Lewis, Serio has brought forth the telling and poignant aspects of Christianity in his new book, Gray Matter, Dark Matter, and Doesn’t Matter. I recommend this book to all who explore richer meaning in our spiritual heritage.”

—Nancy Omaha Boy, director, Teaching Excellence Center, Rutgers University

“In reading Harry Serio’s essays, one is invited to ask questions, to ponder and wonder, and to discover or rediscover our places and our sense of meaning not only in the universe, but also in the places where we live or frequent and share with other people, other creatures, and the natural world of the Earth. Serio’s essays can be read a few at a time or many at a time, and reflecting on them gives readers opportunities for evolving their own faith and understandings of God and the connectedness of all existence, past, present, and future.”

—Jane Ellingwood, United Church of Christ minister

  • Title: Gray Matter, Dark Matter, and Doesn’t Matter: Essays on the Mind, the Universe, and Whatever
  • Author: Harry L. Serio
  • Publisher: Resource Publications
  • Print Publication Date: 2024
  • Logos Release Date: 2024
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9798385223473, 9798385223466, 9798385223459
  • Resource ID: LLS:9798385223473
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-07-02T20:40:52Z

Harry L. Serio is a minister in the United Church of Christ. He is a frequent lecturer and workshop leader in the areas of archaeology, spirituality, and the arts and meditation. Serio is past-president of the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies and is the author of The Dwelling Place of Wonder, The Mysticism of Ordinary and Extraordinary Experience, and The Other Side of Memory.


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