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Products>Getting Over Yourself: Trading Believe-in-Yourself Religion for Christ-Centered Christianity (audio)

Getting Over Yourself: Trading Believe-in-Yourself Religion for Christ-Centered Christianity (audio)

, 2021
ISBN: 9780802426215




Is trying to be “the best you” actually ruining you? From “living your best life” to “self-actualizing,” “finding your destiny,” and “waiting on the best to come,” the contemporary messages of the world exhort us to believe that we are promised and entitled the biggest and best life can possibly offer. But is that actually what Jesus promises? Is that even close to the message of the gospel? Getting Over Yourself is a call for Christians to reject these hollow messages of personal prosperity and to return to the humble truths of the gospel. You’ll learn how to identify this insidious, popular theology in culture and churches and examine its devastating effects. And, perhaps most importantly, you’ll learn how to combat it with gospel truth that leads to the abundant life Jesus actually desires for His people. Discover the beauty in losing yourself—and ultimately in gaining Him. Is trying to be “the best you” actually ruining you? Getting Over Yourself is a call for Christians to reject the hollow messages of personal prosperity and to return to the humble truths of the gospel. You’ll learn how to identify this insidious, popular theology in culture and churches and examine its devastating effects. And, perhaps most importantly, you’ll learn how to combat it with gospel truth that leads to the abundant life Jesus actually desires for His people. Discover the beauty in losing yourself—and ultimately in gaining Him. DEAN INSERRA is a graduate of Liberty University and holds a M.A. in Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the founding pastor of City Church. Dean is passionate about reaching the city of Tallahassee with the Gospel, to see a worldwide impact made for Jesus. He is married to Krissie and they have two sons, Tommy and Ty, and one daughter, Sally Ashlyn. Praise for Getting Over Yourself. “One of the bright young pastor stars on the horizon is my dear friend Dean Inserra. You will see why when you read this book. Wise but witty, firm but fair, convictional but cordial, he takes us on a journey through an issue that needs to be addressed for the sake of truth and the kingdom. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.” —JAMES MERRITT Senior Pastor, Cross Pointe Church, Duluth, GA. “The new prosperity churches largely shun the language that we can all be wealthy if we just have more faith. The emphasis is more about experiencing God’s power and presence in our lives and overcoming the lies of the enemy. The worship is upbeat and lively. This is what makes the movement, on the one hand, compelling to audiences and, on the other hand, more difficult to engage with biblical and constructive critique. This book is a surgeon’s scalpel, not a cudgel. It will help the church and church leaders discern the features of a growing movement but, even more importantly, see where our own hearts may be drifting. There is wisdom here to show us how not to build on a foundation of sand. I’ve been sharpened in my commitment to build well, be faithful, and employ biblical metrics of success in gospel ministry.” —MATT MASON Pastor, The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham, AL. “A good doctor can deliver a difficult diagnosis with compassion, and Dean Inserra proves to be a faithful general practitioner for the soul. Confronting the motives and misplaced ambitions of a self-centered Christianity, this book asks, “Do I exist for God or does God exist for me?” In a culture where hostility to Christianity will only increase, there can be no more pressing need than to recover authentic discipleship. Inserra reminds us of what it means to be clay for the Potter, creature of the Creator, and servant of the Master. You may not like message of this book, but you need the message of this book. —KATIE MCCOY Assistant Professor of Theology in Women’s Studies, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. “Pastoral brashness are not words that are supposed to go together. But Pastor Dean Inserra has carved a unique voice for lovingly critiquing the untouchable subjects of American evangelicalism without falling prey to bitter fundamentalism or therapeutized liberalism. In Getting Over Yourself, Dean dismantles the Instagrammification of me-focused, platform-obsessed Christianity and calls us to a deeper walk with Christ than what the Church of All the Feels can offer.” —ANDREW T. WALKER Associate Professor of Ethics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary   “In God’s providence, some books arrive at just the right time and say exactly what needs to be said. I honestly believe that is the case with Getting Over Yourself. Dean Inserra offers a blistering-but-biblical, withering-but-winsome critique of the new prosperity gospel. This “me-centered” vision of the Christian life is everywhere, confusing believers and stunting their spiritual maturity. In its worst forms, it presents a rival gospel to the biblical good news about the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. It tempts us all, which is why all of us need to read Dean’s book. Highly recommended.” —NATHAN A. FINN Provost / Dean of the University Faculty, North Greenville University. “The contents of this book lay out a way forward for anyone who wants to enjoy the freedom of following Jesus in true discipleship. For too long, many churches have settled for a shallow version of discipleship that sounds more like pop psychology than a radical call to follow Jesus. Dean offers a pathway for any disciple who wants to truly love Jesus with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength.” —JT ENGLISH Lead Pastor, Storyline Fellowship; cohost of Knowing Faith podcast. “Getting Over Yourself is a bold, gospel-driven, prophetic word for the American church. In reminding us of our sin and depravity, Dean reminds us of the true beauty of the gospel. The best news in the world isn’t that Jesus came to Earth, lived, died, and rose again to help me live a better life. No—the best news in the all the world is that Jesus came to Earth, lived, died, and rose again to rescue me from my sinful, self-obsessed lostness to set me free to live a new life for His glory. By pointing us to the fullness of the gospel, Dean exposes the second-rate “good news” of gospel-lite, prosperity Christianity.” —MARK VANCE Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Ames, IA. “We live in an age where everyone is a brand and every experience is a potential marketing opportunity. Even and perhaps especially in the church. Too often Christians are tempted toward a fake gospel of soft prosperity, comfort, and self-affirmation. Dean Inserra understands that Jesus came to rescue us from the bondage of self, which is why this book is vital to put into the hands of every believer. This book carefully and surgically works through the layers of false gospels we so easily imbibe and leads us back toward a cross-centered, Christ-focused Christianity.” —DANIEL DARLING Senior VP of Communications, NRB; bestselling author of several books, including The Characters of Christmas, A Way with Words, and The Dignity Revolution. “With laser-like intensity and clarity, Dean masterfully dissects the current state of much of the American church, revealing the facade of the self-centered life masquerading under the banner of Christianity and offers us Jesus, the real Jesus, in response. In the final chapter he asks, “It’s clear that God is fully satisfied with Jesus. Am I?” This is the heart of the book. And it’s why I think you should read it.” —MICAH FRIES Author of Leveling the Church; Director of Engagement, GlocalNet. “Dean Inserra diagnoses a harmful but subtle trend in American Christianity where many pastors and churches have substituted a self-help hype machine baptized in Christian language for Jesus-centered discipleship. In so doing, Jesus becomes the means to your better life, not the end for whom you were created! Dean displays great bedside manner by not casting judgment, but rather showing loving concern that Christians do what we have always done since the cross and the empty tomb—get over ourselves and focus on Jesus.” —JON AKIN Director of Young Leader Engagement, North American Mission Board. “Dean Inserra is one of the most down-to-earth pastors you will ever meet. He’s fun, precocious, and has an incisive wit. But Dean is also a deep thinker who speaks truth in his own unique voice. Getting Over Yourself is the most Dean Inserra title in the world, and it so perfectly captures what the gospel is calling Christians to do—to put others before ourselves and to put Christ above all. This book will encourage you to do that.” —JIMMY SCROGGINS Lead Pastor, Family Church. “In Getting Over Yourself, Dean Inserra tackles the me-centeredness that animates and sets the priorities of so much of church ministry in pop-Christianity. With his engaging quips and memorable phrases, he cuts to heart of the matter. We are not supposed to be “sharing the spotlight” with God. The danger of what passes for a lot of Christian teaching is that it disciples people to crave “the gifts of God.” Dean rightly calls this turn of events “tragic”because it points people away from delighting in God. This, he reminds us, subverts God’s vision for our lives, which is for He, Himself, to be what satisfies us (Lam. 3:24) and for us to live lives of self-denial (Mark 8:34). In this book, he sets before us some of the most common, often presumed innocuous, phrases we hear daily in pop-Christianity and challenges us to take every thought captive and continue in what we have heard and believed about God and His gospel. The issues Dean takes on in this book are not new, but in this day of such cultural and social confusion and unrest, the temptations for a me-centered Christian life are most intense. That means the arrival of this book is ‘just in time.’ ” —KEITH WHITFIELD Vice President and Provost, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

  • Title: Getting Over Yourself: Trading Believe-in-Yourself Religion for Christ-Centered Christianity (audio)
  • Author: Dean Inserra
  • Publisher: Moody
  • Print Publication Date: 2021
  • Logos Release Date: 2024
  • Era: era:modern
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Audio
  • Subjects: Religion › Christian Church--General; Religion › Christian Ministry--Discipleship; Religion › Christian Ministry--Pastoral Resources
  • ISBNs: 9780802426215, 0802426212
  • Resource ID: LLS:9780802426215
  • Resource Type: Media
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-05-31T02:41:06Z
DEAN INSERRA is a graduate of Liberty University and holds a M.A. in Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is pursuing a D. Min. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is the founding pastor of City Church. He is passionate about reaching the city of Tallahassee with the Gospel, to see a worldwide impact made for Jesus. Dean is married to Krissie and they have two sons, Tommy and Ty, and one daughter, Sally Ashlyn. He likes baseball, wrestling, and the Miami Hurricanes. He believes Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback and that everyone who disagrees holds the right to be wrong.


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