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Systematic Theology (4 vols.)

, 2002–2005

Digital Logos Edition

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Theologian and apologist Norman Geisler has been one of the most prolific and influential leaders in the area of evangelical apologetics. For over forty years he has studied and defended the faith as an author and as an internationally known speaker and debater. He brings vast experience to his magnum opus, the four volumes of Systematic Theology.

Josh McDowell, author of Evidence That Demands a Verdict and More Than a Carpenter, calls Dr. Geisler’s Systematic Theology “Tremendous!” and insists that no library should be without these four volumes.

Exhaustive in its approach and erudite in its presentation, Geisler’s Systematic Theology formulates a coherent perspective that not only represents the Christian belief system, but also looks to history, philosophy, science, and ethics to create as full a view as possible.

Resource Experts
Norm Geisler’s Systematic Theology is a long overdue, and thus welcomed, contribution to the evangelical world, for it persuasively shows the importance and necessity of philosophical analysis in the theologian’s craft. Dr. Geisler has a pastor’s heart, a philosopher’s mind, and a theologian’s temperament. He’s a cross between Thomas Aquinas and Billy Graham, and the result is this outstanding systematic theology.

—Francis J. Beckwith, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Philosophy, Culture, and Law, Trinity International

Finally a systematic theology text that fully understands the essential philosophical and apologetic issues that make traditional theologies possible….In terms of philosophical support for theological claims about biblical truth, Geisler’s is the most comprehensive text yet. This is an apologetic theology, and it is greatly needed in the experientialist environment we find ourselves in today.

—L. Russ Bush, Professor, Philosophy of Religion; Academic Vice President, Dean of Faculty, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

In an age when specialization abounds, Norman Geisler exemplifies that rare and precious ability to bring together facility in the three areas necessary to do systematic theology: detailed philosophical training, facility in the categories of theology, and ability to exegete the biblical text. I know of no one who brings these skills together better than Geisler….When these skills are combined with Geisler’s excellence as a communicator, the result is powerful indeed, and I am delighted that his Systematic Theology is finally available to the church.

—J.P. Moreland, Professor, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

Great theologians are best when they are outstanding philosophers also. Then, of course you often cannot fathom what they are saying. Norm Geisler has the unique ability as philosopher and theologian to deal with profound concepts in ways that the common man can easily grasp. Consequently, this systematic theology will not sit only on the desk of the scholar but also of the pastor and on the coffee table of many a layman.

—Dr. Paige Patterson, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Having greatly benefited from studying theology under Norman Geisler some twenty years ago, I have for a long time yearned to see his vast theological research complied in a systematic theology. For those who value careful thinking, tight logic, fair evaluation, and keen theological insights, this systematic theology is must-reading.

—Dr. Ron Rhodes, President, Reasoning From the Scriptures Ministries

  • Title: Systematic Theology
  • Author: Dr. Norman Geisler
  • Publisher: Bethany House
  • Publication Date: 2002–2005
  • Volumes: 4
  • Pages: 2,755
  • Format: Digital > Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {4C5D624B-0282-49B7-AB1D-7E6BEA065C8A}
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Dr. Norman Geisler has taught at university and graduate levels for nearly fifty years and has spoken, traveled, or debated in all fifty states and in twenty-six countries. He holds a B.A. and M.A. from Wheaton College, a Th.B. from William Tyndale College and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Loyola University.

After his studies at Wheaton, he became the graduate assistant in the Bible-Philosophy department at the college. He has since taught Bible, Apologetics and Philosophy at Detroit Bible College, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Dallas Theological Seminary, and was Dean of Liberty Center for Research and Scholarship in Lynchburg, VA. In 1992 he co-founded and served as President of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, until 2006. Currently, he is professor of Theology and Apologetics at SES.

In 1999, Geisler published the Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, a monumental work that has become a standard text in the field, and one of the most comprehensive single volumes on apologetics. He is the author or coauthor of more than sixty books and hundreds of articles. Among his books, some of which are offered by Logos, are: Christian Apologetics, Christian Ethics, Come, Let Us Reason, When Skeptics Ask, Legislating Morality: Is It Wise? Is It Legal? Is It Possible?, and I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. Dr. Geisler is regarded as one of the foremost Protestant classical apologists living today.


56 ratings

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  1. Don Kemper

    Don Kemper


  2. Kevin Mack (McClure)
    One of the things I love about the late Dr. Norman Geisler is that he is first and foremost an apologist. He has a unique style in that he is always writing from the standpoint of defending the faith. In his series on Systematic Theology, Dr. Geisler does an excellent job of explaining theological doctrines, but from a different standpoint than the many other systematic theology books that I have read. I highly recommend this series.
  3. Lewis Lankford
  4. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  5. Joseph E

    Joseph E


  6. Billy James McPherson, Jr.
  7. Mark Batten

    Mark Batten


  8. James Reppert
  9. Stephen Singleton
    I have several hard copy systematic theologies including Chafer, Hodge, Berkhoff, Miley, Oden, but Geisler is one of my favorite systematic theologies. I recommend it as a valuable resource.
  10. Claude Brown Jr
    I own the paper version and believe it is useful whether or not I agree with the points. I say this because unlike others who simply state opinions he tries to use biblical text for his analysis.


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