Meaningful answers for life’s big questions.
Everyone must ask life’s big questions. Even people who reject any hint of the supernatural and insist that nothing exists apart from matter will have to find meaning for themselves. To put this another way, the defining mark of our secular age is not the absence of belief, but rather the effect on our consciousness of the sheer number of competing belief systems. That effect is fragilization.
And so, belief is fragile. We don’t have to believe what we believe. We could believe something else entirely.
This book articulates how believing in Jesus gives us a sense of who we are, why we’re here, what the good life is, and how to move toward that good life.
This is not traditional apologetics, offering logical proofs that God exists or that Jesus is God incarnate or that all those alternative belief systems are false. Put simply, the aim of this book is to help you see for yourself and to explain to others how Christian belief and Christian practice can make life meaningful.
Engaging, accessible, and helpful for laypeople
Provides a logical and accessible framework for faith formation
Thought-provoking questions and exercises included with each chapter; useful for individual and group study
Explains clearly what disciples believe and do
Scripture is used throughout the book
Uses personal stories to illuminate the real-life challenges and rewards of life as a believer
Helps readers understand and empathize with non-believers
An excellent book for pastors and other leaders to use as a discipleship tool