The font is perhaps the most important part of any church. For centuries, no infant in the parish was thought to be saved from damnation until christened and fonts, as the vessels for this crucial rite of passage, were a pre-eminent tool in the Church's fight against the Devil. Standing within the public space of the church – as with pews, rood screens and chantry chapels – fonts would have been paid for by the parishioners, and so the richness of their decoration was determined by the funds available and the prevailing architectural fashions of the time. Some of the more extravagant have elaborate multi-tiered covers, raised for use via ropes or chains and pulleys. In this fascinating introduction, Matthew Byrne explores the history of fonts in churches all over the nation, highlighting some of the most notable examples and explaining their evolution across the centuries.
A beautifully illustrated introduction to the most notable church fonts in England.
As fonts are ubiquitous items of church furniture, this guide is an essential title for enthusiasts of church architecture.
This publication is in collaboration with the National Churches Trust, which has done much to preserve ancient church buildings, and is a recognised and respected organisation among the audience for this topic.
Author Matthew Byrne is an expert on church architecture, and produced the beautiful English Parish Churches in 2017.
Font Construction and Materials
The Anglo-Saxon centuries 800–1066
The Norman Period 1066–1200
The Later Middle Ages 1200–1500
The Seventeenth Century
The Eighteenth Century
The Victorian Age
The Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first centuries.
Further Reading
Places to Visit
Matthew Byrne has been exploring, studying and photographing English churches for nearly 40 years. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society in 1988 for his work in architectural photography. He has published three previous books: Great Churches of the Northwest, Beautiful Churches and English Parish Churches and Chapels.