First examination of Hitler's theo-political ideology from a theological perspective in English.
Demonstrates core elements of Nazism are based on transformation and trans-evaluation of classical Christian concepts.
Shows how the National Socialism ideology adapted a theological grammar to achieve its monstrous goals.
Illustrates how this 'theology' appealed to so many from different political, religious and cultural backgrounds.
Motti \ Preface \ Introduction to the English Translation \ Part I: Framing the Matter \ 1. 'Hitler's Theology': What it is and what it isn't about \ 2. Hitler's Theology and the Catholic Church \ 3. Hitler and the Theology of the 'Völkisch Movement' \ Part II: Structures and Concepts \ 4. 'Providence': Hitler's Theology of History \ 5. Hitler's Notion of God \ 6. 'Faith': Shaping the Individual \ 7. Hitler's Theology and the Extermination of European Jews \ 8. Church Reforms with the Help of Hitler's Theology \ Part III: Consequences \ 9. Hitler, Religion, Politics: Hitler's Political Project and Modernity \ 10. Some Lessons for the Church and for Faith \ Afterword \ Bibliography \ Index
"While Hitler's Theology might seem narrow on the surface-narrowly centered on Nazism and on Catholic theology-it actually has profound relevance for modern social movements and for general understandings of culture. I immediately found ways to apply Bucher's thinking-and the thinking of Schmitt and Eric Voegelin-to my courses on anthropology and on violence....It reminds us that much important work is being done outside-but just outside-our discipline, and that all scholars share an interest in culture and cultural movements."
[A]n original and very interesting [analysis] of Hitler's theologically informed writings and speeches.