The interpretation of this gospel integrates an objective analysis of its historical context and a subjective semantic disclosure of meaning. To that end, a close reading of the text is combined with consistency building in order to achieve textual congruence and plenitude of meaning. The subject/ object split of traditional biblical scholarship that requires analysis in order to produce explanation as a definable object is superseded in this book by the event of reading as a dynamic happening of personal experience from which the reader cannot detach herself or himself.
A reading of Matthew that examines its Jewish context in the light of intertestamental literature as well as considering its purpose and position within the New Testament to present an 'experience' of the text.
Enables readers to enter into Matthew's narrative world and experience the discipleship of Jesus
Recovers an understanding of the Christian faith beyond American nationalistic Christianity
Shows how readers can enter into the empowered partnership of God's reign to transform the world
Offers a fully worked reader-response commentary on the whole gospel
Table of Contents
1. Book of the Genesis of Jesus Christ
2. Book One
3. Book Two
4. Book Three
5. Book Four
6. Book Five
7. The Culmination: Mt 26.2 - 28.20
Waetjen's book is clearly written and demonstrates his deep knowledge of the social and historical background of the gospel. It adeptly employs various interpretive methods in order to bring the current readers of the gospel to the world that was inhabited by the original addresses of the gospel. The book can be a rich resource for those who are curious about the social and historical background of Matthew's Gospel.
This book is a must read not only for those interested in a serious, scholarly engagement of the text and historical context of Matthean theology, but also for those interested in defending some dogmatic theology that they bring with them to the text. With his rigorous philological insights, knowledge of the secondary literature of biblical scholarship of the First and Second Testaments, historical acumen, and theological breadth and depth of understanding, Waetjen shatters the lenses of the 'cultured despisers' of Christian theology as well as those of the blind followers of a 'corrupted' Christian theology devoted
to eternal self-interest. Above all, Waetjen grabs the telescope that is focused on the 'next life' of Christian self-understanding and turns it around to focus on the Matthean emphasis on the life-transforming and liberating potential of Christianity for history in this world.
These are the astute observations and carefully crafted commentary of a veteran Matthew interpreter, accentuating the integrated narrative themes and particular emphases of the Matthean gospel – the commencement of the reign of God in Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God, Son of Abraham, Son of David,
Son of the Human Being, son of the Virgin Bride of Zion, and in the creation and modus vivendi of an inclusive New Israel.
With an acute eye on the social and cultural context of Matthew's narrative, Waetjen unpacks the theological implications and actual good news in this reformulation and expansion of the gospel tradition. Here also, as a homiletical bonus, is a feast of observations and glistening formulations for the preacher and that upcoming sermon – a banquet of quotable quotes and pastoral reflections.
Herman C. Waetjen is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at San Francisco Theological Seminary, and the Graduate Theological Union, USA