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Products>Romans: A Handbook on the Greek Text (Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament | BHGNT)

Romans: A Handbook on the Greek Text (Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament | BHGNT)

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In Romans, Stanley E. Porter and David I. Yoon provide a foundational examination of the Greek text of Romans. The analysis is distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the text. The authors' exposition is a convenient pedagogical and reference tool that explains the form and syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engages important text-critical debates, and addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as a succinct and accessible analytic key, Romans also reflects the most up-to-date advances in scholarship on Greek grammar and linguistics. This handbook proves itself an indispensable tool for anyone committed to a deep reading of the biblical text.

  • Provides a foundational examination of the Greek text of Romans
  • Features a detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the text
  • Addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries
This volume on Paul’s letter to the Romans by Porter and Yoon is a worthy addition to the Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament series. The grammatical and syntactical comments will help students with one year of Greek to analyze and interpret Paul’s summary of his gospel preaching responsibly and with renewed enthusiasm.

—Eckhard J. Schnabel, Mary F. Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

For anyone wanting to study carefully through the Greek text of Paul’s letter to the Romans, Yoon’s and Porter’s contribution to the Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament series is an essential volume.

—Robert L. Plummer, Collin and Evelyn Aikman Professor of Biblical Studies, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Combining simplicity and sophistication, this handbook walks readers with some (or much) knowledge of Greek through each segment of Paul’s greatest epistle. A valuable introduction and concluding glossary enhance the utility of the succinct but often rich grammatical and syntactical notes. Readers’ grasp of Romans will deepen with the aid of these insights and explanations drawing on the cutting-edge linguistics approach for which Stanley E. Porter is renowned.

—Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary


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