Digital Logos Edition
A major influence over Christianity and Western philosophy, Augustine was a bishop of Hippo Regius in the Roman province of Africa. This collection features many never-before-translated editions of his Latin writings as well as his beloved and most important works—the Confessions, the City of God, and The Trinity. These 30 volumes exhibit the best scholarship and translational work on these classic writings, bringing Augustine into your library like you’ve never seen before. Whether you’re looking to begin studying the Early Church or seeking to expand your library, the Fathers of the Church Series is the most thorough publication available.
In Logos, these works become the backbone of any study on the early church. Links to the patristic writings of the Early Church Fathers will bring you right to the source—to the very quote—allowing you to see instant context. Footnotes appear on mouseover, as well as references to Scripture and extra-biblical material in your library, and you can perform near-instant searches across these volumes, searching for references to keywords or Scripture passages.
The rich Christian heritage of East and West comes alive in the volumes of The Fathers of the Church, a series widely praised for its brilliant scholarship and unparalleled historical, literary, and theological significance. The series consists of more than 120 published volumes, with two new volumes published each year.
Interested in more from the early church? Get the entire Fathers of the Church series—127 volumes total—at an enormous discount!
4 ratings
Daniel Caballero.
William A. Long
Larry Liddiard
Dave Crosby