Digital Logos Edition
Why do we still have to study the Ten Commandments? Aren’t we, as a society, past them now? Three thousand years have passed away since God rent the rocks of Sinai and spoke those ten words to man. It was an epoch in the history of Israel, it was no less an epoch in the history of our race. Their object was, in revealing God, to bring man back again to God. In ten insightful addresses, Berkeley William Randolph shows how they have the same object now.
Ten very straightforward, manly, and earnest addresses on the Decalogue. Clergymen who are likely to be preaching upon the Commandments—and they ought to be preached upon at times—will find this book very helpful.
—Church Bells
Written primarily for students preparing for ordination, it deserves to reach a wider circle of readers, and will be found of a great value alike by the clergy and by the more thoughtful among the laity. Never was plain teaching on The Law of Sinai, its fundamental and permanent value, and its true relation to Christianity, more imperatively called for than it is today, and we welcome these earnest and eloquent addresses as a real addition to the literature of the subject.
This is a thoroughly good little book, and might well be recommended to the clergy generally, as well as to candidates for ordination, for whom it is primarily intended.
—Church Quarterly Review