Dr. C. Philip Chacko retired from the Christian ministry after forty-four years of serving churches in Texas. He authored worship materials used internationally in alignment with the liturgical calendar, including the Love on the Cross, Forty Days with Jesus, Women of the Cross, and Fifty Days to Power programs. Philip was raised in Kerala, a state along the southwestern coast of India, where rich orthodox traditions were first instilled by the disciple Thomas in AD 52. After graduating from Southern Asia Bible College in Bangalore, India, he came to the United States to study further at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Brite Divinity in School in Fort Worth, Texas. At Texas Christian University, he earned his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees. After more than twenty-two years as a pastor of Disciples of Christ churches, Philip became the area minister for the Northeast region of Texas and served sixty-four congregations until 2006. He returned to pastoral ministry before retiring in 2019. He has three adult children and three grandchildren. He enjoys writing and gardening with his wife, Elizabeth, in Tyler, Texas.