This volume probes and deciphers the tensions and contradictions that underlie modern European Liberal Catholicism. Beginning with the French revolution and looking at dialogues between European 'public moralists', the book discusses the ways in which liberal Catholics loosened their bonds with religion, all the while relying on it. It reflects on how and why they promoted a post-revolutionary state and society based on religious dogma and morality, and what new liberal order and socio-political and religious models they proposed.
Beyond the analysis of the work of these Catholic intellectuals, the question of their conceiving a specific liberal approach through Catholicism is also investigated. More generally, it prompts a vital reappraisal of the political, ideological and philosophical pressures that the religious question caused in the redefinition of Western European post-revolutionary liberalism.
A historical examination of the contentious and much-disputed notion of 'Liberal Catholicism' in 19th-century Western Europe.
Long overdue study of a neglected concept within the intellectual history of Modern Europe
Provides a detailed exploration of the religious roots of liberal thought
Vast chronological breadth and coverage of Germany, Britain, Italy, France and Spain
List of contributors
Liberal Catholicism/Catholic Liberalism: A non-sense? Aude Attuel-Hallade (ed.), Institut Catholique d'Etudes Supérieures (ICES)/Sorbonne Université/Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Part One - Theology, truth and the philosophy of history
1 Political Modernity-Christianity: Interpretative circles Bernard Bourdin, Institut Catholique de Paris, France
2 John Henry Newman, an anti-liberal? Frédéric Libaud, Université de Strasbourg, France
3 Edmund Burke, T.B. Macaulay, Lord Acton and the French Revolution: The Church, the State and the individual Aude Attuel-Hallade
Part Two - Catholicism and liberty(/ies)
4 Liberties before liberalism: Ultramontane political thought in England, c. 1835–50 Colm O'Siochru, Dulwich College, London, UK
5 Historical and ecclesiological foundations of Spanish Catholic liberalism. From the Jansenist imprint to the Constitution of Cádiz of 1812 Bernard Callebat, Institut Catholique d'Etudes Supérieures (ICES), France
6 Between Sinai and Calvary: Spanish Catholicism in the face of freedom of worship in 1869 Francisco Javier Ramon Solans, Casa de Velàsquez/Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Part Three - Temporal and spiritual power and education
7 Sin, grace and secular history: Pierre Paul Royer-Collard's criticism of the anti-sacrilege law of 1825 Daniele Giuseppe Palmer, King's College Cambridge, UK
8 'A free Church in a free state'. The relationship between Church and State in the thought of Charles de Montalembert Arthur Hérisson, Ecole française de Rome, Italy
9 J. H. Newman facing the spirit of the day: A focus on the idea of education in the Victorian context Maud Besnard, Institut Catholique de Rennes, France
Conclusion: Contested faith or contested liberty? – Contexts and strategies of Liberal Catholicism Peter Schröder, University College London (UCL), UK
Index of names
This book provides an important collection of historical studies, relevant to essential contemporary debates on the relation between religion and politics, the specific case of Catholicism, and the situation of European States in terms of liberal ideas and ideals in modern times. All authors are acknowledged experts on their chosen subjects.
Aude Attuel-Hallade is University Lecturer and Researcher in Modern British and French History at Sorbonne University, France.