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Gereformeerde Dogmatiek (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

These volumes are in their original Dutch language and are parallel to our English translations. Check out our original translation for the Gereformeerde Dogmatiek .

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Geerhardus Vos’ Gereformeerde Dogmatiek (also known as Dogmatiek) (5 vols.) represents the early theological thought of one of the premier Reformed thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Originally self-published in five volumes in 1896, this important piece of Reformed theology is now available in its original language for readers to compare alongside our English translations.

Throughout his life, Vos was connected with a number of important Reformed institutions. He was the first alumnus of Calvin Seminary (then Theological School) to earn a doctoral degree and also the first Calvin Seminary faculty member to have an advanced degree. Before his appointment at Calvin, Vos was invited by Abraham Kuyper to take the chair of Old Testament Theology at the newly formed Free University (Vrije Universiteit) in Amsterdam.

After teaching at Calvin, Vos accepted a position at Princeton during the days of the Old Princeton Theologians. He held the chair of Biblical Theology there from 1892 until 1932. Vos is perhaps best known to English speakers for his books Pauline Eschatology, published in 1930, and Biblical Theology: Old and New Testament, published in 1948. Vos’ strong grounding in biblical scholarship and biblical theology makes his Gereformeerde Dogmatiek unique, bringing a fresh biblical perspective. Though these five volumes are systematic in nature, Geerhardus Vos brings the skills and acumen of a biblical theologian to the task.

Key Features

  • An extremely rare and hard-to-find text you won’t find anywhere else
  • The original Dutch edition of Geerhardus Vos’ Gereformeerde Dogmatiek
  • Access to some of the most profound Reformed systematic theology of the twentieth century
  • Penned by the Father of Reformed Biblical Theology

Praise for the Author’s Knowledge and Scholarship

Dr. Vos was the greatest pedagogue I ever sat under.

Cornelius Van Til

. . . the most penetrating exegete it has been my privilege to know.

John Murray

Vos’ insights are penetrating, refreshing, and orthodox.

—James T. Dennison Jr.

Product Details

  • Title: Gereformeerde Dogmatiek (5 vols.)
  • Author: Geerhardus J. Vos
  • Language: Dutch
  • Volumes: 5
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About the Author

Geerhardus J. Vos, born in 1862, was a Dutch American theologian. He was the first alumnus of Calvin College (then Theological School) to earn a doctoral degree. Vos studied Old Testament at Princeton Seminary and graduated with honors. He then went on to do doctoral work in Semitics at the University of Berlin for one year, followed by two years at the University of Strasburg. He returned to teach at Calvin in 1888, but accepted an invitation to hold Princeton’s new chair of biblical theology in 1892. He held the chair until his retirement in 1932. During his time at Princeton he taught some of the great Reformed minds of the twentieth century, including John Gresham Machen and Ned Bernard Stonehouse. Vos was also an essential catalyst in the establishment of biblical theology as a discipline. He passed away in 1949. Vos’ thinking and scholarship in theology has influenced Cornelius Van Til, John Murray, Richard B. Gaffin Jr., and Herman Ridderbos.


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