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Comfort and Joy: Readings and Practices for Advent


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Connect with what truly matters this holiday season
In the hustle and bustle of the season’s endless to-dos, it can be difficult to truly connect with what matters—honoring beloved traditions with family and friends, being present in our communities, and experiencing God in the celebration of Jesus’ birth. In Comfort and Joy, authors Sherah-Leigh Gerber and Gwen Lantz offer a unique blend of thoughtful reflections and inspiring spiritual practices grounded in noticing the sacred amid the ordinary. Two friends who forged a friendship and a blog through a shared love of writing, together they bring fresh insight, warmth, and opportunities for spiritual nurture and growth. In these pages, you’ll find ways to engage more deeply with favorite traditions and cultivate creative space for new ones.
With readings to walk through the Advent and Christmas season, the weekly offerings include a variety of devotional meditations and invitations. Scripture texts drawn from A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by Wilda C. Gafney accompany reflections, journal prompts, and spiritual practices to help us slow down and savor this meaningful and holy Advent journey.

Week 1: Preparation
Advent Questions                              
Reluctant Preparation            
Gathering Evergreens            
Lectionary Text: Luke 1:26–38
Mary’s Miracle                                  
Great-Grandma’s Soft Sugar Cookies           
How Can This Be?                            
Releasing Expectations                     
Good in the Present                           
Blessing for the Waiting                                
Week 2: Hope
Hope Haikus                                      
Living in the Gap                               
Intentionally Hopeful Tasks  
Lectionary Text: Luke 1:39–45
Hope Is Alive                                     
Star Bread                                          
Shared Hope                                      
Unresolved Hope                               
Reverence for the Future                   
Blessing for the Season                     
Week 3: Joy
Blessing for the New Day                 
Joy’s Interruptive Invitation              
Welcoming Joy                                  
Lectionary Text: Luke 1:46–55
Joining with God                               
Family Fruitcake                               
Joy beyond Our Circumstances         
Deep Joy                                            
Greater Joy                                        
Christmas Prayer                               
Week 4: Peace
Holiday Communing             
All Is Well                                         
Breathing Deeply                               
Lectionary Text: 1:18–25
Choose Wisely                                   
Ranch Party Mix                                
Grace and Peace to You                    
One Task at a Time               
Winter Mornings                               
Blessing for Peace                             
Week 5: Love
Winter Sunrise                                   
The Story of Loving Friendship                                
Feel the Love                         
Lectionary Text: Luke 2:1–14
Vastly Loved                                     
Pecan Tarts                                        
A Sign for You                                  
Well Loved                                        
The Ministry of Availability             
Blessing to Love                                
Week 6: Emmanuel
Familiar yet Fresh                              
Being With                                        
Lectionary Text: Luke 2:15–20
Embodied Christ                                
Christmas Fruit Salad            
Treasuring and Pondering                 
Embracing Humanity            
God with Us                                       
Blessing My Body                             
Additional Resources
Bonus Recipes
Recipe Index
How to Adapt for Small Groups
The Authors

“Filled with meaningful rhythms, fresh perspectives, and steal-away moments, Comfort and Joy meets us in the pull between hustle and longing. This cozy companion slows the tempo, steadying our hearts for the abundance of Christmas and the promised arrival of Emmanuel.”

Comfort and Joy is much more than ‘readings and practices for Advent.’ It’s a celebration of family and friendship and stories of days past and present, with reflections on Scripture, recipes, poetry, and prayers of blessing that start with Advent and take us through Christmas all the way to Epiphany. Reading this book was a gift to me, and I’m happy to recommend it as a gift of grace for the Advent and Christmas season.”

“If you’re anything like me, you want to prepare well for the coming of Jesus during the season of Advent. And—if you’re like me—you know that everything else gets in the way. The authors of Comfort and Joy are the guides I need. They know what my life is like. Living with the same challenges of being human that I face, their words gently usher me out of the chaos and into what’s holy.”

Comfort and Joy is the perfect Advent devotional for busy readers who yearn to experience anew the wonder and joy of Christmas. Through a weekly rhythm of reflections and questions, practices and prayers, readings and recipes, Sherah-Leigh Gerber and Gwen Lantz guide our hearts and minds into a fresh encounter with the profound miracle of Jesus’ birth—God with us. Beautifully written, with relatable stories from two down-to-earth authors, Comfort and Joy is one of those rare books I plan to reread year after year.”

“In the rush and frenzy of the Christmas season, Comfort and Joy is a breath of fresh air that helps readers pause and ground themselves in the joy, goodness, and blessings of the season. This is a delightful book of story, reflection, and practical rhythms for individuals, families, and churches!”

Sherah-Leigh Gerber is a spiritual director and caregiver coach in northeastern Ohio. An ordained minister in Mennonite Church USA, Sherah-Leigh has served as a pastor in addition to working in other nonprofit leadership roles. She lives with her husband and two middle school–age children on a fifth-generation farm, which provides many opportunities to find the sacred in the ordinary. You can learn more about her work at SherGerber.com
Gwen Lantz holds several part-time jobs, including bookkeeper, elementary school librarian, and writer. She also has a master’s in education with a specialty in school library science. Gwen lives with her husband and two children in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and is a lifelong member of the Mennonite Church. She enjoys engaging with her church community and pursuing personal spiritual growth amid everyday life. You can see more of her writing at BakeBookItBe.WordPress.com.


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