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What the Bible Teaches about Angels

Digital Logos Edition

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Angels are everywhere—in movies, television shows, figurines, books, magazine articles and seminars. This would seem to be very good news. After all, the Bible does have a lot to say about angels, mentioning them 273 times. Should we not welcome such widespread interest in a biblical topic?

All too often, the only connection between the current angel-mania and the Bible is the teaching that angels exist.

In this straightforward and easy-to-read volume, Roger Ellsworth sets the record straight, putting the biblical view of angels in a clear and helpful way, dealing with such topics as what are the seraphim and cherubim, angels as ministering spirits, and the role of angels at the beginning and end of time. Above all is his concern to drive us to the one the angels themselves adore—the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Logos Bible Software edition of this volume is designed to encourage and stimulate your study and understanding of numerous Christian topics. Scripture passages link directly to your English translations and to the original language texts, and important apologetic concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. In addition, you can perform powerful searches by topic and find what other authors, scholars, and theologians have to say about heaven, the trinity, and marriage.

Resource Experts
  • Investigates what the Bible says on the topic of angels
  • Explores how the angels in the Bible differ from the popular culture view of angels
  • Discusses key appearances of angels in context in the Bible
  • The God of the Angels
  • The Résumé of Lucifer
  • At War with Satan
  • What the Cherubim Have to Say
  • Key Appearances of the Cherubim
  • In the School of the Seraphim
  • Gabriel, God’s Preaching Angel
  • Michael, the Archangel
  • The Angel of the Lord
  • Jesus, Lower than the Angels
  • Jesus, Higher than the Angels
  • Angels as Ministering Spirits
  • Entertaining Angels
  • Angels Desiring to Look into Salvation
  • Angels and the End
  • The Last Appearance of an Angel in the Bible

Top Highlights

“No angel deserves the honour that the Lord Jesus deserves because no angel has done what he did. No” (Page 81)

“says they are ‘ministering spirits’ who ‘minister for those who will inherit eternal salvation’.” (Page 14)

“says the angels are ‘ministers’ of God ‘who do his pleasure’.” (Page 14)

“ angels praise God because they enjoy God. They enjoy the glory of his person and the glory of his works” (Page 15)

“the Bible does have a lot to say about angels, mentioning them 273 times” (Page 11)

  • Title: What the Bible Teaches about Angels
  • Author: Roger Ellsworth
  • Series: What the Bible Teaches About . . .
  • Publisher: Evangelical Press
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 119
Roger Ellsworth

Roger Ellsworth is a retired pastor, active in ministry and writing. After coming to the knowledge of Christ at an early age, Roger Ellsworth began preaching at age 11 and pastoring at age 16. He has served as pastor of churches in Illinois, Kansas and Missouri. He currently lives in Jackson, Tennessee. Roger has written numerous books on the Christian faith, and has exercised a preaching ministry for over fifty years. Some of this books are Come Down, Lord!Standing for God: The Story of Elijah, and Is There an Answer? published by the Trust. He is also a regular contributor to Evangelical Times and GraceTrax magazines. He served for two years as President of the Illinois Baptist State Association and for 10 years as trustee of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, for two of which he was the chairman of the board. He and his wife, Sylvia, have two sons, Tim and Marty, and they have three grandchildren. Roger and Sylvia love the message of the Bible, and they enjoy sharing the wonderful counsel of the Word of God in language that ordinary people can understand and appreciate.


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