Digital Logos Edition
The first English translation of Troeltsch’s Glaubenslehre. The first attempt to do systematic theology from a deep Christian commitment with full awareness of Christianity’s social and historical relativity.
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Too hastily dismissed by a previous theological generation, Troeltsch’s explorations of Christian belief have become timely again. His conclusions are not definitive, but his questions and his perspectives have a fresh pertinence, even an urgency, in the present situation.
— B. A. Gerrish, John Nuveen Professor. The University of Chicago Divinity School
Ernst Troeltsch spoke candidly of his own difficult writing style as resembling ‘sailor’s hardtack.’ But I suspect that no one will detect it in Garrett Paul’s elegant rendition into English of the Glaubenslehre. This is no small achievement, for which every reader of this important historical document will be grateful.
— James Luther Adams, Mallinckrodt Professor of Divinity Emeritus, Harvard Divinity School