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Products>2 Corinthians (Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament)

2 Corinthians (Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament)

Digital Logos Edition

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The Spirit who inspired the authors of the New Testament is at work today around the globe, as evidenced by the explosive growth of Pentecostal, charismatic, and renewalist movements. There is a clear need for a balanced, affordable, and accessible commentary series aimed at Christians who identify as Spirit-filled.

The Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament series emphasizes how we listen alongside ancient audiences for the Spirit’s voice in our time and contexts. Written by pastorally sensitive biblical scholars from the Spirit-filled tradition, these commentaries explore how God works in the biblical texts and how Christians can expect God to work today, even if in new or culturally surprising ways. Series editors are Holly Beers, Westmont College, and Craig S. Keener, Asbury Theological Seminary.

In this addition to the series, senior scholar Ben Witherington III engages 2 Corinthians in its ancient setting and explores its message for Spirit-filled Christians today. Images, illustrations, and sidebars on Pentecostal/charismatic/revival history or insights are included.

  • Engages 2 Corinthians in its ancient setting and explores its message for Spirit-filled Christians today
  • Features images, illustrations, and sidebars on Pentecostal/charismatic/revival history
  • Explores how God works in the biblical texts and how Christians can expect God to work today
Ben Witherington III

Ben Witherington III (PhD, University of Durham) is Jean R. Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. A prominent evangelical scholar, he is also on the doctoral faculty at St. Andrews University in Scotland. Witherington has written over forty books, including The Jesus Quest and The Paul Quest, both of which were selected as top biblical studies works by Christianity Today. His other works include The Indelible Image, Women and the Genesis of Christianity, The Gospel Code, A Week in the Life of Corinth and commentaries on the entire New Testament. He also writes for many church and scholarly publications and is a frequent contributor to Patheos and Beliefnet. Witherington is an elected member of the prestigious Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, a society dedicated to New Testament studies. He is a John Wesley Fellow for Life, a research fellow at Cambridge University and a member of numerous professional organizations, including the Society of Biblical Literature, Society for the Study of the New Testament and the Institute for Biblical Research. He previously taught at institutions like Ashland Theological Seminary, Vanderbilt University, Duke Divinity School and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. An ordained pastor in the United Methodist Church and a popular lecturer, Witherington has presented seminars for churches, colleges and biblical meetings around the world. He has led numerous study tours through the lands of the Bible and is known for bringing the text to life through incisive historical and cultural analysis. Along with many interviews on radio and television networks across the country, Witherington has been seen in programs such as 60 Minutes, 20/20, Dateline and the Peter Jennings ABC special Jesus and Paul—The Word and the Witness.


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