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Products>Playing God: Science, Religion and the Future of Humanity

Playing God: Science, Religion and the Future of Humanity


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Could science one day 'defeat death'?
What would alien contact mean for humanity?
Has medicine finally found a cure for sadness?
Will AI replace us?

For too long, the 'science and religion' debate has fixated on creation, evolution, cosmology, miracles and quantum theory. But this, argue Nick Spencer and Hannah Waite, is a mistake. Religious belief has survived, and thrived, under many different models of the universe. It was never intended to be a competing explanation for the science of any age. Where science and religion really do come together - sometimes furiously, sometimes fruitfully - is over the status and nature of the human. And that has never been more important than today.

Whether it's the quest for immortality or the search for alien life, the treatment of pandemics or 'animal personhood', AI or mental health, abortion or genetic editing, science is making advances that are posing huge questions about what it means to be human, whether we should change ourselves, and how far we should 'play God'.

These developments are only going to grow in significance. Playing God brings readers up to date with the latest developments but also draws out their moral and religious dimensions. In so doing, it shows how the future of science and religion is inextricably tied up with the future of humanity.

Preface vii
List of abbreviations xii
1 The kingdom of Jesus in the shadow of empire 1
2 The Church between Jesus and Caesar 25
3 Power and the 'powers' in early Christianity: John,
Paul and the paradox of biblical politics 40
4 The kingdom of God as vision and vocation 74
5 The Church between submission and subversion 103
6 The Church resisting the powers of today 122
7 Liberalism and love in a time of fear and fragmentation 150
8 Conclusion 174
Index of biblical references and ancient texts 179
Index of names 183


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