Digital Logos Edition
Moving beyond worship wars over style and denominational proclivities, Allen Ross has completed an extensive study of the biblical material that informs the heart of true worship: “to recall and celebrate the hope of glory.” Much more than a biblical theology of worship, Recalling the Hope of Glory is an inductive study of the Bible, showing how the many biblical events and teachings develop the central focus of worship.
Beginning not with early Israelite worship, but with creation itself, this work uncovers the glories and beauty of true worship as it is progressively revealed from its beginning in the Garden to its climax in the new heavens and new earth. Throughout the book, the focus is on the integral issue of who we worship . . . and why. Ross then applies these discoveries to the contemporary Christian practice and debate.
Recalling the Hope of Glory stands to become a definitive resource for the pastor, worship leader, and those training for the ministry. Regardless of their denomination, readers will appreciate the author's high view of Scripture and just how much it can and should inform Christian worship.
Recalling the Hope of Glory deals expertly and thoroughly with worship in the Bible. What is most refreshing: it is not at all ideological. It contains no worshipwar polemics, but just sets forth straightforwardly what the Bible says. People of all persuasions will find it valuable as a reference work. It also gives us a large perspective on worship that is likely to moderate the current discussion.
—John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary
Allen Ross takes his readers back to the Bible itself to paint a colorful picture of worship that is spiritually vibrant, theologically sound, and focused on Christ. His passion for worship that glorifies God and his thorough knowledge of Scripture are obvious throughout. For the western church, which needs desperately to recover its biblical and theological roots, this book will be an extremely helpful resource.
—Daniel I. Block, Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College
Stunning in scope, Recalling the Hope of Glory provides a historical-theological study of worship from creation to the new creation. The logic of Allen Ross’s ranging exposition across the flow of biblical history will challenge every reader and grace every church, regardless of tradition. Here is dazzling substance for recovery of robust worship of our sovereign and holy triune God. Sure to be a standard work.
—R. Kent Hughes, Pastor, College Church in Wheaton Series Editor, Preaching the Word commentary series