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Products>The Womanpriest: A Novel

The Womanpriest: A Novel

ISBN: 9781803411255


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Macrina McGrath, a young 23-year-old Catholic ex-Marine and unwed mother, begins to see cracks in the Church she grew up loving. Bad priests preying on children, harsh treatment of the divorced and LGBTQ, a deep-seated and toxic sexism, and archaic dogmas force her to choose between leaving the Church or trying to make it better. Pursuing graduate school in theology at Georgetown and a trip to India help form her resolve: She will stop at nothing to take the Church out of the Middle Ages and deliver women from their abject status. Macrina McGrath joins and soon after heads the excommunicated Womanpriest movement and, with the help of the Archbishop of Boston, begins an ascent she never imagined. But her love for Ezra, a Jewish physicist and colleague at Amherst where they teach, is getting in the way.

Dr. Stafford Betty weaves mystery and intrigue into this powerful story, set in the second half of the century. Macrina McGrath, an American Southerner, challenges the limits set by the Catholic Church and after many roadblocks gains the priesthood for women. But this is only the beginning of her ascent. Betty builds into the story, with its many twists and turns, deep insights about the human condition. I could hardly put the book down. It would make a great series on Netflix.

  • Title: The Womanpriest: A Novel
  • Author: Stafford Betty
  • Publisher: Roundfire Books
  • Print Publication Date: 2023
  • Logos Release Date: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9781803411255, 1803411252
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781803411255
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-03-19T05:47:25Z

Stafford Betty is an author of fiction and non-fiction. Professor of religion at California State University, Stafford earned his PhD in theology from Fordham University, and is a world expert on afterlife and paranormal studies. He lives in Bakersfield, CA.


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