Do you want to help bring people from all the nations into relationship with Jesus as he intends? Sadly, there are multiple mission approaches today that are ineffective or even counterproductive to reaching that goal. If that concerns you then join this journey through Scripture, mission history, and contemporary experience to find direction to redeem the nations. We will explore what Jesus intended missions to be, what it certainly is not, why it is important, how it should be carried out, and the essential divine power that must energize it. Along the way, you will discover dozens of misconceptions that can misdirect or scuttle your personal, church, or team efforts while clarifying how you should invest your life and resources to accomplish this most important task on earth.
“It is not often we have the opportunity to read the insights of a veteran missionary who served in several frontline and leadership positions on the field, followed by service as a seminary missions professor. You may not agree with everything in this book, but read it with an open mind. Be ready to learn from a practitioner/professor whose global experiences may be different from yours. Consider his every suggestion for doing the Great Commission more effectively. You cannot read this work without turning your eyes to the nations.”
—Chuck Lawless, senior professor of evangelism and missions, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“In a day in which it is often assumed that ‘everything is missions,’ Don Dent forces us to dust off the once honored tradition of biblical scrutiny. In Finding Direction to Redeem the Nations, he reminds us that the One who gives the assignment also defines the assignment, and he challenges his readers to consistently expose their missions assumptions and ambitions to the inconvenient light of Scripture.”
—Ian Buntain, director, World Missions Center, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Don Dent’s Finding Direction to Redeem the Nations is a valuable resource to any believer, regardless of where they may fall on the spectrum of missions. I firmly believe that anyone who reads this book will be drawn into greater worship of our God who has had a plan to use his people to be a blessing to redeem the nations to himself, and to join him in his mission in the unique role he has created for them.”
—Cheryl Barrett, director, For the Nations
“Every mission trainer, every pastor who sends mission teams, and every aspiring missionary needs this book.”
—E. Randolph Richards, provost, Palm Beach Atlantic University
“In Finding Direction to Redeem the Nations, Don Dent provides a panoramic view of the Great Commission through the lens of a field practitioner. From the field to the classroom, Dent continues to impact and influence generations of missionaries and mission leaders with common sense missiology gained from years of living among the nations, tribes, peoples, and languages he has sought to reach with the gospel. Along the way, Dent debunks a lot of modern-day thinking on missions and what it means to engage in the Great Commission in strategic and effective ways.”
—Todd Lafferty, EVP/COO, International Mission Board
“In every generation, the church faces global pressures that influence kingdom labors. And in every generation, the church needs resources to guide toward more excellent ways. Don Dent’s work is one of those resources! Blending biblical foundations, historical lessons, missiological principles, and powerful stories gleaned from years of mission experience, Dent has produced a book that is informative, insightful, and engaging. This book is not a lofty academic treatise; rather, this work plants our feet on the ground—where the nations are found!”
J. D. Payne, professor of Christian ministry, Samford University
“Don Dent has written a superb book on key missiological issues that every mission leader and practitioner should contend as they steward their amazing resources for the nations. I heartily commend this book to missionaries, mission teams, mission organizations, and local churches engaged in the mission of God. May God use this book to ignite a fire in the hearts of his people as they seek to employ these best practices in hopes that the next movement of God will take place among their people or place.”
—Steven M. Ellis, executive pastor of mission and church planting, First Baptist Church Rogers, Arkansas
“Finding Direction to Redeem the Nations is an important book that anyone interested in God’s global mission needs to read. Don Dent brings a lifetime of experience and a fiery passion to the page. Dent exposes the reader to the needs of the word, the biblical call to take the gospel to the unreached, as well as the areas of struggle faced by our US churches. It would be hard for anyone to read this book and not be challenged, not only to think differently but to act differently.”
—Scott Hildreth, director, Center for Great Commission Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“The twenty-first century has brought many challenges and opportunities to the mission of God’s church among the nations. Clarity of purpose has never been more needed in order to avert misconceptions and fulfill the mission that Jesus started. In this timely book, Don Dent draws from a lifetime of experience and a wellspring of biblical knowledge to help churches navigate this all-important task that has been entrusted to us.”
— George G. Robinson IV, professor of global disciple making, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“In Finding Direction to Redeem the Nations, Don Dent helps us overcome many misconceptions that have resulted in ineffectiveness in missions. In doing so, he charts a course towards more effective cross-cultural disciple-making in the twenty-first century. This book is a must-read for those preparing for or already active in carrying the gospel to the nations.”
—Kelly Malone, professor of intercultural studies, Southwest Baptist University
“Finding Direction to Redeem the Nations is a solidly biblical analysis of Christ’s mission to his people. Don Dent has filtered this message through a life spent on mission with God to help us all distinguish between the mission that Christ mandated and the misconceptions that plague it.”
—David Garrison, executive director (retired), Global Gates
“The excellent insights in this book could help churches, mission candidates, or missionaries overcome multiple misconceptions in order to become powerfully effective in missions. A number of mission issues are discussed in a clear, concise, well-woven way and supported both by excellent research and powerful stories from actual events. I will be recommending this book to all our mission personnel.”
—S. Kent Parks, CEO, Beyond
“Another ‘missions book’ for missionaries and keen members of the church’s missions committee? Not hardly. Every Jesus-follower needs to read this book because all believers need to understand our Lord’s global purposes today and participate in some way appropriate for their lives. This timely message is a page-turner.”
—Daniel Sinclair, author of A Vision of the Possible: Pioneer Church Planting in Teams
Don Dent is an emeritus missionary and senior professor of world missions at Gateway Seminary. He is the author of The Ongoing Role of Apostles in Missions (2019).