Feeling daunted by how to help your kids really grow in their faith? It’s time to start little.
We want our kids to know God. We know we’re supposed to disciple them. But parenthood is hard, and we’re busy, tired, and often feel unequipped. What if our kids don’t seem all that interested or can’t sit still long enough for us to read the Bible?
Christie Thomas has a secret for you: helping your kids connect with God is way easier than you think. It all starts with 30 seconds a day--and the power of a simple habit. Through Christie’s empowering, encouraging insights, you’ll discover how to overcome common struggles, implement easy practices that fit your unique kids, and change your family’s faith culture. In this book, you will:
Life-changing moments can come out of simple habits. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things you’re supposed to do to teach your kids about God, Little Habits, Big Faith shows you how to leverage the power of small, consistent choices with confidence. God can use even the smallest step to change how your family grows in faith.
In addition to key points at the end of each chapter, there is an appendix full of topical resources for parents to quickly reference:
When my children were young, it all felt so overwhelming, like I had to do everything right or make HUGE, drastic changes to be more “holy” to make my sons grow into the men of God I dreamed they would be. That’s a lot of pressure for one mom to carry, and I don’t think God intended it to be that way. I’m so grateful to Christie for breaking it down for us into smaller pieces that when put together help point our families to Jesus.
As always, Christie is insightful, helpful, and encouraging. If you’re a Christian parent, you can’t go wrong with Little Habits, Big Faith!
No matter your level of experience with family discipleship or the age of your children, this book will help you build even better discipleship habits. After establishing the value of the parent’s role, Christie Thomas shows parents—step-by-step—how to leave behind legalism and nurture their children into joy-filled faith. Short, thorough, and practical, this book is a reliable primer for someone who wants to learn how to disciple their children.
Christie is one of the most trusted and honest thought leaders in family ministry. In her latest offering, you’ll find a nonanxious, down-to-earth conversation partner for this stretch of the road known as parenting. This book is highly practical while carefully steering away from being a manual for how things must be done. I can’t wait to recommend this grace-filled, hopeful book to parents for years to come!
Finally, a parenting book that I’m excited about! Christie Thomas offers a step-by-step guide to passing on the faith that feels not only doable but fun. Her witty charm and personal storytelling will make parents feel seen, understood, and inspired to establish family rhythms of faith in bite-sized portions. If you’ve felt overwhelmed by the pressure to do “all the things,” be encouraged: Little Habits, Big Faith was written for you.
Christie Thomas has written a highly readable and doable guide to cultivating faith in the next generation of children. Without being legalistic or formulaic, she plots out a highly organic pathway of habits that guides both parents and children. She is realistic with the problems parents encounter yet offers good resources and a lot of hope for the discouraged. She concludes chapters with testimonials from others and concludes her book with some valuable resources for follow-up. I wish this had been available in my parenting years, but it is also useful for grandparents to tap into.
If you love God and his Word, you ache to raise kids who do too. Yet this task can feel overwhelming, and the results may seem uncertain. Christie Thomas is someone I trust to provide parents with everything they need to communicate biblical principles to their kids in warm and inviting ways. Little Habits, Big Faith will give you a good start on this process and a hand to hold along the journey. Christie’s experience in children’s ministry and parenting spills over into this beautiful book. Learn from her, and apply what you learn. Nothing could be more important!
Doable! Little Habits, Big Faith offers parents a practical, relatable, and easily applicable approach to discipling their children. Author Christie Thomas understands that one size does not fit all. The strategies she suggests can be uniquely tailored to any family. This book will assist you in partnering with God to intentionally grow big faith in your kids through making small yet impactful adjustments. With Christie’s guidance, you can do it!
Every family needs this book! Christie is so good at taking big, overwhelming concepts and breaking them down so parents can implement faith habits in everyday life. I own every one of Christie’s books, and I’m so delighted with the insight and practical wisdom in Little Habits, Big Faith.
So often in parenting and discipling our kids, we get in our own way and we worry about teaching all the right things or we focus on our limitations. In Little Habits, Big Faith, Christie reminds us that faith development happens in relationships and encourages us that we are not alone in any of the struggles we go through as we raise our kids to know and love Jesus. But instead of a long list of to-dos, Christie offers us simple habits that only take thirty seconds and will change our family’s faith. I promise you will not finish this book feeling overwhelmed, unequipped, or discouraged. You will finish this book feeling confident that little by little, moment by moment, you can help your kids develop a meaningful and deep faith in Jesus that will last a lifetime.
If you’re exhausted from Christian parenting approaches that make you feel like you have to “get it right,” Little Habits, Big Faith will refresh your weary soul. Christie Thomas offers us a better way to disciple and build foundations of faith with our children. Demonstrating the freedom to custom-fit Christian parenting to our own unique families, Christie shows how to weave faith into the everyday, small moments of life. Little Habits, Big Faith shows parents how they can have peace in the process of training their children in the Lord and focus on the part of discipleship that matters most—knowing and loving Jesus.
In Little Habits, Big Faith, Christie applies the science of habits to faith formation in a way that makes family discipleship feel easy, doable, and sustainable for every family, all while sharing encouragement and support. Little Habits, Big Faith addresses common roadblocks to family discipleship and shares perspective shifts and next steps for overcoming those struggles. Christie gives us a starting place for simple but effective family discipleship and then walks us deeper into guiding our kids to own their faith so discipleship becomes a lifelong journey for the entire family.
This is the book every Christian parent needs to read. I was shouting “Amen!” after practically every sentence. Christie is relatable, honest, and helpful—the perfect guide to any modern, busy, slightly chaotic Christian parent who desires to disciple their kids. Little Habits, Big Faith manages to be down-to-earth about the realities of family life while also being aspirational about how we can journey toward Jesus together. There’s not a single word here that didn’t encourage me that I, too, could start small and grow big faith. Thank you, Christie—this is the family discipleship guide we all need in the 2020s.
In Little Habits, Big Faith, Christie Thomas reminds us that it’s never too late to start small! This book is full of grace, gospel centered, and deeply practical. Using a biblically and psychologically informed approach to discipleship and habit formation, this work manages to provide detailed and specific guidance without being formulaic. Christie affirms the uniqueness of each family and structures Little Habits, Big Faith to help parents discern how to approach their children’s spiritual formation in a way that is sustainable and life-giving. This encouraging and gentle resource is sure to bless Christian parents raising children of all ages.