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Products>How Should Men Lead Their Families? (Cultivating Biblical Godliness) (audio)

How Should Men Lead Their Families? (Cultivating Biblical Godliness) (audio)

ISBN: 9781646891436




God's Word teaches us that Jesus Christ was ordained by God and anointed by the Spirit for His work as prophet, priest, and king of His children. Those who are in union with Him share His offices in a limited but important way. In this booklet, Joel Beeke explains how husbands and fathers should lead their families as prophets, priests, and kings. Filled with biblical wisdom and practical application, How Should Men Lead Their Families? is a helpful guide for men who desire to bear the image of the Father of glory and of the heavenly Husband as they lead, teach, love, evangelize, protect, and rule over their wives and children. Joel R. Beeke is president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. God's Word teaches us that Jesus Christ was ordained by God and anointed by the Spirit for His work as prophet, priest, and king of His children. Those who are in union with Him share His offices in a limited but important way. In this booklet, Joel Beeke explains how husbands and fathers should lead their families as prophets, priests, and kings. Filled with biblical wisdom and practical application, How Should Men Lead Their Families? is a helpful guide for men who desire to bear the image of the Father of glory and of the heavenly Husband as they lead, teach, love, evangelize, protect, and rule over their wives and children.

  • Title: How Should Men Lead Their Families? (audio)
  • Author: Joel R. Beeke
  • Publisher: One Audiobooks
  • Print Publication Date: 2020
  • Logos Release Date: 2023
  • Era: era:modern
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Audio
  • Subjects: Religion › Christian Living--Family & Relationships; Religion › Christian Living--Spiritual Growth; Religion › Christian Living--Personal Growth
  • ISBNs: 9781646891436, 1646891430
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781646891436
  • Resource Type: Media
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-10-17T20:50:31Z
Joel R.  Beeke

Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, and editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. He has written, coauthored, or edited over 70 books.


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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole

