People are starving for unity in the storm called government. Repairing national disunity depends not on external political or social change, but on the internal process of rediscovering individual humility, for that disunity is but a shared projection of our internal conflict, our sin.
Sin--that obsession with "self-interest" and "image"--has blinded people to the ultimate remedy: loving God and loving others as we love ourselves. That is God's Prime Law, a superior love infusing perfection into imperfect lives and relationships, including those comprising government.
Difficult journeys exact a cost. Like Job's ordeal before God, people must be stripped down to their bare essence to reveal that their true identity is not in an image, but in a relationship of love with God. Only then can they hear and beneficially apply The Prime Law. Their enduring freedom is a function of their devotion to maintaining that Law. Every individual reborn in Christ, having received their ultimate freedom under God, understands this devotion and its potential for creating a more perfect union.
“Our founders fought for our democratic republic for a reason. It remains the best earthly expression of the inevitable victory of God’s superior morality over the corruption of secular despotism. D. P. Hendrickx’s clarion call for freedom from political and social indoctrination offers a path back to national unity by splicing together the love of God with the principles of democracy and channeling Lincoln’s indelible Gettysburg Address: ‘This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.’”
—Barbara Kois, author of The ABCs of Praise and Prayer
D. P. Hendrickx is an attorney and researcher who resides in New Hampshire with his wife, Rosemary, a nonprofit fundraiser. He is a member of the Village Bible Church in Amherst.