Grow your faith. Transform your life.
Cultivate a deeper relationship with God through Adult Bible Studies. This resource, endorsed by the Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist Church, offers a year-round, weekly Bible study plan for Sunday school classes and other small groups.
Each weekly lesson offers background and focal Scriptures, key verses, and doctrinallysound and relevant biblical interpretation and application in a readable font size.Annual plans provide comprehensive coverage of the Bible, special lessons during the church seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter, and suggestions for developingspiritual practices such as prayer, worship, community, and service, among manyothers. Adult Bible Studies is a reliable companion and guide for learning and growing in Christian faith.
With the help of the Adult Bibles Studies Student Book, and DVD, your group will embrace that it’s not just about learning - it’s about living out biblical teachings.
Summer 2024 Theme: Finding Balance
This summer, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Finding Balance.” They look at the concepts of work, rest, and celebration from a theological and biblical perspective and challenge us to find a balance among the three. The teacher book writer is Greg Weeks.
Visit AdultBibleStudies.com and sign up for the weekly newsletter to automatically receive the FREE Current Events Supplement and other information about these resources and more!
Our most popular quarterly series
Use for Sunday school or other small groups
Available in print or digital formats
Focal Bible passages printed in Student and Teacher Books
Grace-based topics and Scripture selection
Student edition font size accommodates all readers
Brief articles introduce lesson units and explain historical & biblical context
Lessons answer important faith questions
Adult Bible Studies Concise Commentary is available in the Teacher/Commentary Kit
Suggestions for developing spiritual practices
Sue Mink creates artwork that explores the intersection between art and theology. She is a graduate of Wesley Theological Seminary and Carnegie-Mellon University, where she earned her design degree. She is the author of Preparing the Way: An Advent Study Based on the Revised Common Lectionary and The Sanctuary for Lent 2014. She lives in Leesburg, Virginia.